And I do mean the snow. Woke up this morning thinking it was November. Remember there was no snow a few days ago. Now we have this:

See how much is on the patio table? And the roof? Crazy.
We have other things that continue too...remember yesterday and Katie's new outfit? Today I went to get her after her nap and found this...

How on earth did she learn to take off her pj top? It's not button up, it's a pullover! She looked pretty pleased with herself.

And speaking of pleased with herself (I am the master of the segue today apparently)...

I swear, this laundry was properly folded before I went to the kitchen and stepped back not 30 seconds later. She's a quick one.

Have a lovely day...Too bad we don't get Christmas in a month. =)
PS...but we do have a birthday...this Saturday! Yay!
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