Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Lunch Special

Yesterday, Ben was able to come home for lunch. What a nice treat! And it was such a beautiful sunny day too!

Ben and I ate pasta but Katie was lucky to be eating avocado as well as pasta. Although she has enjoyed eating avocado before, this time she wasn't so sure. Doesn't it look good to you?

That's a face that says "Yum...please feed me more!"
Here's what she really thinks about it:

And I snapped this excellent picture when dad and Katie were hanging out after lunch. (gosh she's pretty isn't she?) (I'm the mom I get to say that whenever I want!)
When we saw Jo Anne and her girls the day before they gave us a Christmas present. Some cute squirty bath toys and a bath book! Here's Katie studiously reading before bed (all kids should get in the habit of reading before bed...and it's never too early to start!)The book is "Water Water Everywhere". What are you reading before bed these days?

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