Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Camper Girl

Well hello there!

We've had a busy couple of days and I did remember to take a couple of pictures.

GG Lill picked up a couple of cute cute shirts for Katie. The other is a little big still but this one fits pretty well.
I call it the "Hippie Shirt" adorable!
We were busy doing some minor renos to the house this week...installing Katie's new tent (the gift from David and Neil). It's So Awesome!
The three tents are joined all together. And here's a close up of the print...Oscar from Sesame Street!

Katie really likes the tent...I see it'll get lots and lots of use this spring and summer. Both outside and perhaps in the basement. (after doing all the reno, we decided to undo it and take the tent down for a while because it's not fair that Katie's stuff takes up so much space. Ben and I still live here too!) =)
What's good is Ben can even fit in the tent (can you see him in there?).Katie's happy by herself......but happier with Dad!
Yesterday Katie was lucky enough to see Papa in the morning while I ran some errands and in the afternoon we got to see Those ______ Girls while Jo-Anne and I had a sanity/coffee break. We ended the day with a lovely visit with GG Mary. Yum...Katie doesn't know it yet, but GG Mary makes the best perogies (...not sure if there's a better, more Ukrainian way of spelling this) ever!
She gives good cuddles too!
We're still awaiting for some action with our microwave and Sears (they're supposed to call today with info on tomorrow's repair/replacement...apparently something will be done...we're not happy about the dela).

Today, we're going to drop by the library and then off to strollercize this afternoon.

Hope you have as nice as day as we will!

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