Good morning! Today, Katie is 7 months old. Time is flying and she's getting bigger and better everyday. It's very cold (-15C) this morning and there is some significant snow on the ground. I know I say it every time, but this time, I think it's here to stay. Really. I mean it.
This past week K started eating puffed wheat. I think it is delicious and am now sad that I haven't eaten puffed wheat in years. I remember eating it for breakfast as cereal but with a bit of sugar sprinkled on top. Yum! Katie does not get sugar on hers.

"Ok mom, I'm ready."

Puffed wheat are fun, because you get to eat them with your hands. And not make a big mess.

It's like feeding animals. Have you ever fed a horse? Apparently, if I remember correctly, it's important to keep your hand flat, so the horse doesn't eat your carrot-like fingers. I kept this in mind when feeding Katie. Just in case...have you SEEN her teeth??

Yum yum!

This weekend we went to Grandma and Grandpa's Sat. morning. Katie says "Look how comfy! Bet you wish you had a throne with giant pillows too!"

Occasionally, Katie doesn't nap well at Grandma's, so we see some of this (too cute not to share):

And then this:

Fear not, she is very resilient and forgets how I "tortured" her by visiting relatives and making her listen to crazy words and "punny" jokes.

As you can see, later Katie had a party with some animal friends on the chair. Boy, she had fun....I had so many good pictures to share on this one, it was hard not to post all 30!

Whoa...were you as hypnotized as I was by Katie's stare there? We are thinking about training her to hypnotize people for that unethical?
Saturday night Ben and I went out for an American Thanksgiving dinner while Ken and Cheryl babysat. All went well...our dinner and night out was lovely and apparently Katie was perfect. (as always!).
This weekend was also Grey Cup (which someone had to tell me because I sure as heck didn't know!) and we were invited to GM and GD's for chili. There was TV, which Katie was particularly interested in since we don't ever have ours on.

GM tried to distract her with a book. I think it may have worked.

There was also cake, to celebrate G Uncle Terry's birthday. How old? I can't say...just know that that many candles wouldn't fit on the cake. =)

Yay for Katie's first Grey Cup Party!

Have a good Monday!
PS For those that like recipes..
These...are spectacular!