Friday, February 8, 2008

Already busy!

We've already been out, so it's starting to feel like a busy day today and it's only just after 9am!

We drove (took pity on) dad to work and stopped off at Superstore for groceries on the way home. Have you ever gone grocery shopping at 8am? It's the greatest experience ever. Employees are chatty and friendly because they still have energy, the store is clean and well stocked, there's lots of room to maneuver say, a stroller, and there are NO LINE UPS at the cashiers. (although now that they have some self-serve checkouts, there were no cashiers either!)

I'm hoping Katie naps now (20 min, no luck yet...she's feeling chatty too apparently) since we'll be braving the cold again(did we mention it was warmish earlier this week...-18 or so...but is now freezing again?) and heading to strollercize in about an hour.

Yesterday...I found Katie reading a Lee Valley Catalogue.

Looks like Ben will have help with the garden this year!
Katie was also a big help as I cleaned for visitors...She's sure getting the hang of sweeping!
When Jo-Anne and the twins arrived there were many smiles.And sharing Katie's rocker, Patrick the Puppy. C's a bit of a show off! ("Look blog, no feet!")
Both girls are walking now (have I mentioned that already?) and boy, are they on the move!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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