We had a fun and sleepy weekend!
Katie has a new thing...she slides. When she's sitting, she slides down. See photo below.

She does this not only in leather chairs, but also, annoyingly, in her high chair. We generally have to pull her up throughout the meal. I may not continue this much longer...the lesson will be called "this is what happens when you slide, what do you think about THAT!" (of course, if she was going to fall, we'd pick her up for sure.)
Saturday I cleaned the floor a bit and kept Katie occupied in a mini-playpen.

It was easy, comfy and I think she liked it. Good place for reading.

And searching for cheerios.

I tried unsuccessfully to take a picture of how she would pick up a handful of cheerios and try to stick them all in her mouth at once, but all I got was this:

Goofy girl! And something about the texture of chicken has her chewing (chomping?) on it with her mouth all stretched...it's strange but adorable.

Auntie Andrea managed to fit us into her busy schedule (between a friend's wedding shower and a movie) for dinner...and even picked up the Chinese! Katie was happy to see her but mad that she was leaving and apparently did not want to be photographed. (you know if you close your eyes, you're not there, right?)

And a group shot...laughing because I had apparently forgotten that the camera needs to be on, even for self-portraits.

Sunday Katie went to our strollercize friend J's one year birthday party (I took notes...I hear we have one coming in about 2 months). The party was great and fun and there were lots of parents and babies. J had celebratory ice cream cake..yum!

Katie did very well with all the kids around, but after a while, was getting a little tired.

She's such a good baby, even when tired...after a while all she did was sit on my lap and wait quietly until it was time to leave. What a tired looking baby!

A good nap later and we had a super supper at Grandma Ken and Grandma Cheryl's...and grandparent universes collided as Grandma Mary was invited too.

Dad came home safe and sound from his ski trip late Saturday night and said we HAVE to go family skiing sometime. He had forgotten how much fun it is and can't wait to take Katie skiing.
Hope you had a nice weekend too!