Hello! Today, Katie is officially 11 months old. Wow!
She is learning how to use spoons...

I think she is starting to recognize the word spoon...she picks it up when you say spoon. That's recognition, right? She also picks up and shakes and little rattle I made (tube with rice) when I say shaker or something about shaking. Neato!
More pictures from last week and the weekend...on Thursday Grandpa Ken did some babysitting while I had my hair cut. The report is that they had a great time together. Katie slept well in the new crib.

I was just touching up my previous haircut since it wasn't quite right. Here's the back:

And the front. Much better. Katie doesn't seem to know the difference.

Random Katie picture.

Papa and Grandma Mary babysat on Thursday night while we went bowling. Katie was happy to play with her new Easter chick.

Saturday we went for an impromptu breakfast with Grandpa Ken and Grandma Cheryl. High Level Diner. Yum! We won't discuss the tiredness, or the crying.

Afterwards, since Someone wasn't sleeping in the car, we did a bit of fun shopping while on the way home. What do you think of this for Katie?

It's too cute...we didn't buy it though. Not quite our style. But cute. =)
We saw the most amazing sunset coming home from dinner at Great Grandma Mary's Saturday night. Did not photograph well, but it was WOW.

We had also had Fish N Chips dinner at Great Auntie Colleen's (on my side) with Papa's family for Good Friday. No good pictures from that.
This weekend we hung around the house for some downtime, from all the dinners, and Katie did some of this:

It's so funny to walk away and then back a few seconds later and find her somewhere interesting. It's crazy in the way that when she first started rolling over it was weird seeing her in a different position than when you left her. CrawlWatch 2008 is not progressing. It is more like SitWatch. Katie doesn't seem to mind though, she's happy as a clam being who she is where she is.

And the favorite, PeekABoo...played at Sunday dinner at Grandma Mary's.

And Auntie Andrea was thoughtful, and took a picture of Ben and I. So rare and nice. Thank you!

In other news, we have started actively searching for a minivan. If you know anyone who has a NICE minivan at a reasonable price, please let us know. We are working on a lead currently and will let you know if anything works out.
Today is strollercize and cleaning up for dinner company this evening...pictures tomorrow!
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