Monday, March 31, 2008
So far, it's Monday and we're having a wonderful Spring Break. Ben was here for breakfast and still here when Katie and I returned from Strollercize. It's strange, but Katie likes it. While I was getting ready for strollercize, dad was doing dishes with the music on and he and Katie started dancing up a storm. She loves the dancing! (and I'm sure she's trying to say "Dance").
On the weekend we did a bit of shopping (not buying) and tried on a baby backpack. I don't know why we really think we need so many ways to haul Katie around (2 slings, 3 strollers, 2 pairs of arms) especially when (there's hope) there will be some kind of walking in the next 6 months of so. We did have fun trying out the backpack!
And Katie seems to like it too. We will wait and think about whether we really need(want) one while keeping an eye out for a used one.
While at MEC, Katie grabbed onto a cup that was at her height and would not let go. And so we had our first ever "Giving In While Shopping". How could you resist this face?
She love love loved this mug she wouldn't even let go for the ride home.
Unbelievably, when we did arrive home, I realized that the design on it was a sticker, so I took it off. And now Katie doesn't care about the mug at all. That's a lesson in "Giving In" right there for you folks. =)
We didn't give in here either, but look at the CUTE chair. We obviously have thing for baby chairs right now, don't we?

While we were hanging out at home this weekend, Katie was rolling around on the floor and really enjoyed reading her Terrific Trains book. (cute book, nice pictures, lovely text!) (She's so good at reading upside down!)
Sunday we found ourselves at Starbucks with Grandpa Ken and Grandma Cheryl. There was music and Cheryl was showing off her chair dancing moves.
One of Katie's newest things..."Keys!"...she says the word and loves the keys. I don't even know exactly where she picked it up. I haven't made of point of teaching her. I must be getting in the habit of talking out loud as I do things with her.
Ken was nice enough to snap a picture of me and Katie.
And I took one of Grandma Cheryl and Dad.
We were also out at Grandma Mary and Papa's for dinner last night which was lovely.
Have a super Monday! (I also have a cute new Katie video from this weekend...coming soon to a blog near you!)
On the weekend we did a bit of shopping (not buying) and tried on a baby backpack. I don't know why we really think we need so many ways to haul Katie around (2 slings, 3 strollers, 2 pairs of arms) especially when (there's hope) there will be some kind of walking in the next 6 months of so. We did have fun trying out the backpack!
We didn't give in here either, but look at the CUTE chair. We obviously have thing for baby chairs right now, don't we?
While we were hanging out at home this weekend, Katie was rolling around on the floor and really enjoyed reading her Terrific Trains book. (cute book, nice pictures, lovely text!) (She's so good at reading upside down!)
Sunday we found ourselves at Starbucks with Grandpa Ken and Grandma Cheryl. There was music and Cheryl was showing off her chair dancing moves.
One of Katie's newest things..."Keys!"...she says the word and loves the keys. I don't even know exactly where she picked it up. I haven't made of point of teaching her. I must be getting in the habit of talking out loud as I do things with her.
Ken was nice enough to snap a picture of me and Katie.
And I took one of Grandma Cheryl and Dad.
We were also out at Grandma Mary and Papa's for dinner last night which was lovely.
Have a super Monday! (I also have a cute new Katie video from this weekend...coming soon to a blog near you!)
Friday, March 28, 2008
We Love Banana!
Proof that Katie is a lot like her mother:
(note similarity to previous post with mom drinking coffee)
Yesterday we had a coffee date with Grandpa Ken:(I know, we always go to the same place and take the same pictures...but we love it!)
We followed coffee with lunch and Papa and Grandma Mary's. It was very messy as we gave Katie free reign on the food. (usually we either spoon feed or dole out bits at a time...this time, we gave her the bowl and watched her eat with her hands...Fun!)
Yesterday Katie also had to endure a rigorous crawl training session...we call this one "Get the Banana", not unlike the other training drill we call "Get the Cheerio". These have definitely proven successful. Much more than "Get the Book", "Get the Stuffed Animal" and surprisingly "Come see Mom/Dad". (I really thought that last one would be motivating!)
In this first photo, she had already crawled around the corner without banana enticement. (note that when I say "crawl" I really mean shimmy etc).
Look how much we love banana!
Almost there!

Yay! We made it!
Banana so good!
Today is Ben's last day of work before Spring Break (WooHoo!) and we three are looking forward to a fun week'll have to find out next week! (yeah, you got me, we don't really know what we're doing.) =)
Yesterday we had a coffee date with Grandpa Ken:(I know, we always go to the same place and take the same pictures...but we love it!)
Yesterday Katie also had to endure a rigorous crawl training session...we call this one "Get the Banana", not unlike the other training drill we call "Get the Cheerio". These have definitely proven successful. Much more than "Get the Book", "Get the Stuffed Animal" and surprisingly "Come see Mom/Dad". (I really thought that last one would be motivating!)
In this first photo, she had already crawled around the corner without banana enticement. (note that when I say "crawl" I really mean shimmy etc).
Yay! We made it!
Banana so good!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Mark and Tim
Good (early) morning! (It's 6:36am on my watch right now).
Yesterday our very special dinner guests were my cousin Mark and his girlfriend Christine (sp?). We had a really nice time visiting.
Mark is a computer engineer (aka Genius, aka Computer Guy) and was willing to have a look at our big computer downstairs that is currently broken. (obviously, this computer is working!)
Good news is it looks like it might be fixable, and good news is it didn't just need to be plugged back in. (Isn't that your fear too? call the *blank* Guy to fix *blank*, and you just forgot to plug it in!)
The reason for the early blog isn't Katie, as you may have assumed. She is still sleeping soundly. It's actually the fault of my lovely, super husband of the year (winner for almost 5 years straight now!). He woke up early (5am) to go for a swim, as brought back some Tim Horton's breakfast and coffee for me.
I think he was really saying "Thanks" for when I said "If you wake me up at 5am, you'd Better get up and swim!"as we were going to sleep. (I set the alarm and am the Keeper of the Alarm in the morning) He said it was really motivating.
If he keeps bringing coffee, I can keep motivating him. =) we didn't WIN.
Yesterday our very special dinner guests were my cousin Mark and his girlfriend Christine (sp?). We had a really nice time visiting.
The reason for the early blog isn't Katie, as you may have assumed. She is still sleeping soundly. It's actually the fault of my lovely, super husband of the year (winner for almost 5 years straight now!). He woke up early (5am) to go for a swim, as brought back some Tim Horton's breakfast and coffee for me.
If he keeps bringing coffee, I can keep motivating him. =)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Team Katie
Donations please?
Ben and I are running a 5km run on April 27th. The run is in support of the Kidney Foundation and raising awareness for organ donation. If you are interested, please go HERE and search for my name. (you all know my name right?) No obligation of course.
If you have questions, please contact me!
Thanks for your support! (and for letting me highjack the blog for publicity purposes!)
Ben and I are running a 5km run on April 27th. The run is in support of the Kidney Foundation and raising awareness for organ donation. If you are interested, please go HERE and search for my name. (you all know my name right?) No obligation of course.
If you have questions, please contact me!
Thanks for your support! (and for letting me highjack the blog for publicity purposes!)
11 Months!
Hello! Today, Katie is officially 11 months old. Wow!
She is learning how to use spoons...
I think she is starting to recognize the word spoon...she picks it up when you say spoon. That's recognition, right? She also picks up and shakes and little rattle I made (tube with rice) when I say shaker or something about shaking. Neato!
More pictures from last week and the weekend...on Thursday Grandpa Ken did some babysitting while I had my hair cut. The report is that they had a great time together. Katie slept well in the new crib.
I was just touching up my previous haircut since it wasn't quite right. Here's the back:
And the front. Much better. Katie doesn't seem to know the difference.
Random Katie picture.
Papa and Grandma Mary babysat on Thursday night while we went bowling. Katie was happy to play with her new Easter chick.
Saturday we went for an impromptu breakfast with Grandpa Ken and Grandma Cheryl. High Level Diner. Yum! We won't discuss the tiredness, or the crying.
Afterwards, since Someone wasn't sleeping in the car, we did a bit of fun shopping while on the way home. What do you think of this for Katie?
It's too cute...we didn't buy it though. Not quite our style. But cute. =)
We saw the most amazing sunset coming home from dinner at Great Grandma Mary's Saturday night. Did not photograph well, but it was WOW.
We had also had Fish N Chips dinner at Great Auntie Colleen's (on my side) with Papa's family for Good Friday. No good pictures from that.
This weekend we hung around the house for some downtime, from all the dinners, and Katie did some of this:
It's so funny to walk away and then back a few seconds later and find her somewhere interesting. It's crazy in the way that when she first started rolling over it was weird seeing her in a different position than when you left her. CrawlWatch 2008 is not progressing. It is more like SitWatch. Katie doesn't seem to mind though, she's happy as a clam being who she is where she is.
And the favorite, PeekABoo...played at Sunday dinner at Grandma Mary's.
And Auntie Andrea was thoughtful, and took a picture of Ben and I. So rare and nice. Thank you!
In other news, we have started actively searching for a minivan. If you know anyone who has a NICE minivan at a reasonable price, please let us know. We are working on a lead currently and will let you know if anything works out.
Today is strollercize and cleaning up for dinner company this tomorrow!
She is learning how to use spoons...
More pictures from last week and the weekend...on Thursday Grandpa Ken did some babysitting while I had my hair cut. The report is that they had a great time together. Katie slept well in the new crib.
We saw the most amazing sunset coming home from dinner at Great Grandma Mary's Saturday night. Did not photograph well, but it was WOW.
This weekend we hung around the house for some downtime, from all the dinners, and Katie did some of this:
Today is strollercize and cleaning up for dinner company this tomorrow!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
First Easter! (Part 1 - The Dresses)
We had a great LONG weekend...Easter! We had both Friday and Monday off, thus the long absence. I'll break it into two posts since there are many pictures...mostly pictures of Easter dresses, so that's where we start off.
A lovely purple number, from Mrs. F.
With adorable headband.

A delicate spring green number:
From Costco, which happens to match a certain special pair of spring green shoes.
This dress is adorable (as they all are) but will sit better when she is standing on her own. (it rides up a lot now when you hold her, to show the matching bloomers!)
Easter Chick from G. Auntie Gail.

Look how tall!
And dress number three:
Possibly the favorite. (also from Costco...we forgot we had the purple one, bought two at Costco planning to return one, but loved them both too we have three!)

No time to write...hope you all had a lovely weekend.
(and of course, we don't forget SPECIAL BIRTHDAYS which also happen on Easter Sunday. Happy Birthday Auntie Alli! Can't wait to see you when you come visit very soon) (that's foreshadowing people!)
A lovely purple number, from Mrs. F.
A delicate spring green number:
From Costco, which happens to match a certain special pair of spring green shoes.
This dress is adorable (as they all are) but will sit better when she is standing on her own. (it rides up a lot now when you hold her, to show the matching bloomers!)
Easter Chick from G. Auntie Gail.
Look how tall!
And dress number three:
Possibly the favorite. (also from Costco...we forgot we had the purple one, bought two at Costco planning to return one, but loved them both too we have three!)
No time to write...hope you all had a lovely weekend.
(and of course, we don't forget SPECIAL BIRTHDAYS which also happen on Easter Sunday. Happy Birthday Auntie Alli! Can't wait to see you when you come visit very soon) (that's foreshadowing people!)
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