Thursday, July 19, 2007

12 weeks and a Surprise!

Katie is 12 weeks old today and today and we have lots of pictures to show it.

One of my favorite things about being home every day (besides the Katester) is getting the mail. Actually, that's a favorite when I'm working too...anyway... Yesterday the UPS guy drove up and delivered a huge box addressed to Katie...huge as in 5 ft tall! Inside the box was this:

A huge, lifelike, plush and posable Giraffe! No mention of who it was from, but mom's know everything (right Mom?) so I figured it was a gift from Auntie Alli and Uncle Shannon. A quick trip over to my Gmail and my suspicions were confirmed. Thanks guys, it really is gorgeous and amazing. Katie noticed the new addition right away and immediately jumped on for a ride.In other news...Andrea's Sheldon came back from Gagetown yesterday, after a 4 month stay. They stopped by on the way home from the airport for his first viit with Katie...she was happy to see him but kept her feelings on the inside and played "fussy/tired" instead. No pictures as I totally forgot...will get some soon.

After dinner we went for a walk in our new Baby Bjorn carrier (yes, we still have the sling but wanted something that was a little more liked by Katie...she's still not sure about the sling). She and dad had a great time.

Last but not least...for those of you who know I knit...I reveal my very first knit for Katie...The pattern is Anouk from Knitty and I started knitting when she was 7 weeks old and waited about 2 weeks to put buttons on. Yay!

Have a super day!

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