Tuesday, July 31, 2007
A few pics...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The Age of the Chariot
Not an old dog...
Katie has proven that she is definitely NOT and old dog and CAN learn new tricks! She has started to get close to turning over onto her stomach from on her back. It pretty much looks like this:
From the bottom up, with her legs turning over and then tummy and now the only thing left to do is get over that one arm. She'll get a little frustrated, so mom helps her out...
...and flips her over so we can see what might happen when we flip over...FUN and kisses!
The new tricks continue when we see this...
Dad and Grandpa Ken thought they'd start teaching her to be handy, starting with an observation session in the garage. Something tells me those boys didn't get a lot of work done on the slate backsplash that day.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
3 Months Old
Our little Katie is officially 3 months old today! And we had her weighed and measured yesterday...14 pounds and 12 ounces and 25.5 inches long.
That's some good growing Katie! Keep up the good work!
Dad and Katie's Day O' Fun
The weather continues to be warm, although we did have a couple of days of cool 20C. We had an awesome thunderstorm the other night and showed Katie the lightning and listened to the rain. She appeared to be quite mesmorized by it all.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Down Under
(You can tell there's not much going on when I resort to poop jokes eh?)
I also have pictures of our garden. Ben worked hard this year, with the help of Great G. Mary, to plant a real Veggie garden this year. In this garden there are: beans, carrots, lettuce, swiss chard, peas...some kind of zucchini...a tomato plant...and other stuff maybe? I can't remember, Ben did ALL the work! Oh, and sometimes we grow weeds too...without trying of course. The one thing this garden doesn't have is Dill. Maybe next year.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
12 weeks and a Surprise!
After dinner we went for a walk in our new Baby Bjorn carrier (yes, we still have the sling but wanted something that was a little more liked by Katie...she's still not sure about the sling). She and dad had a great time.
Have a super day!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
We had Joanne, Chad and their twins, Claire and Gracie over for dinner the other night. Katie didn't really seem to understand the concept of "playdate" and slept through almost the entire visit! The girls are about 9 months old and messily eating all kinds of yummy food. Also they look like they're close to standing up and/or crawling...so neat to watch them try! You can see they're also used to being in photos...this shot took all of two seconds to get lined up.
We were all driving around yesterday and decided it was too hot..so Ben and I stopped at a 7-Eleven for our once a year slurpee/slushie treat...only to discover something else:Squishees! For the Simpson's movie coming out later this month 7-Elevens have turned into Quik-E-Marts and are selling Squishees. Tastes just as good as a slurpee. Katie likes them too.
And here's Katie modelling an adorable Classic Pooh outfit from Auntie Alli and Uncle Shannon...
This photo was taken this morning. Katie's no longer wearing the outfit though because she liked it soo much she peed on it. This is the new thing Katie does, pee on things she likes. (I know this because she likes mom most of all!)
Enjoy your day!
PS...in keeping with special Hellos...Hi to Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Ken in Summerland. Katie says she'll make sure to pee on you when you get back.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Warm Weekend
Katie also participated in her first outdoor BBQ at Hawrelak Park...with Jon, Shelley, Michael and the "newly-returned-from-backpacking-trip" Coreen (she's the one who's well practiced at being the subject of pictures and actually waving).
Thursday, July 12, 2007
11 Weeks
Other than that we have received new footwear from Auntie Alli...they're a little big but we couldn't wait to try them on!These shoes are SO CUTE in person that Grandma Cheryl brought them into her work to show them off before giving them to Katie!
It's another hot spell here and we're back in the basement. Katie has had some marvelous sleeps lately, including a new 7.5 hour "personal best".
Just don't ask us about last night. =)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
These were taken at my mom's yesterday out by the pond and by their apple trees.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
We went to IKEA on Sunday (Canada Day) mostly for browsing and found a super cute girly lamp for Katie's bedroom...the Storm table lamp in purple...can't find the exact one on the IKEA site. IKEA had some activities and specials on for the holiday, including yummy red and white frozen yogurt...for a buck, I was totally up for the treat! Would you like a taste?SPEACIAL: Two random cute outfits for today. One, the T-Shirt from Andrea's trip to PEI that we hadn't yet photographed...still a bit big, but adorable...
The shirt reads "I'm too cute to throw back". Thanks Andrea, it's totally a winner!
...and speaking of winner, a Winners find!Have a super day!