This past weekend Katie was a real Miss. Crankypants.
Here are the list of reasons why we think she might be Cranky:
1. Teething
2. Too hot when sleeping
3. Something related to her cold
4. Gas/Poop/Food related
4.5 Not eating enough
5. Specifically, maybe a peanut butter reaction?
6. Is it a full moon?
7. Who knows, but we wish babies could talk. I'm going to stop teaching her words like keys, car and bye and start working on "hurt", "tummy", "teething", and "I'm just feeling off today, thank you for asking".
She was/is getting over her cold and so am I. We cuddled and read books in blankets:
And we tried to smile but were tired instead.
Katie cuddled with Dad too...
Feeling sick and Cranky isn't fun.
She did try and show me a new trick though (not completely new, she's done this before)...Drinking without using her hands!
We're proud but with a touch of the Cranky.
We gave Katie peanut butter for the first time Saturday morning. She liked it. Not as much Pasta, but did enjoy it.
Then we went to Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Ken's. And the Crankiness vanished!
Could it be the dollhouse and other toys? Maybe it was just being at Grandma and Grandpa's.
Later Saturday evening we did notice a very mild rash on Katie's body and limbs and slightly on her face. A call to the Capital Health Link found that it was likely nothing though we kept an eye out for other symptoms. She was fussy going down to sleep and we eventually took off her sleep bag and let her sleep in her sleeper only. She seemed much better after that.
Sunday we tried playing PeekABoo...
It worked a bit but you could kind of tell she wasn't having as much fun as usual.
She did have a pretty good nap in the morning and was all smiles when Great Auntie Gail came to visit. (do I see a pattern here? Happy with others, Cranky with parents...When did she become a teenager??) (by the way, we LOVE the new colours/numbers book!)
After G Auntie Gail left it was back to being Cranky and even a new toy didn't grab her attention.
We thought maybe superheros would lift her spirits...This "vintage" Spiderman T was Ben's when he was tiny. How cute! (but no, it didn't work)
After dinner we knew we had to get her (and us...the cranky can be catching!) out of the house so we went to the bookstore and finally (this is really a last resort), WalMart. (we're been avoiding Walmart since we saw the movie and were not impressed...nothing wrong if YOU shop there, but we just don't really.)
The Super Center Walmart was actually pretty neat. It's HUGE and has everything. You'd never need to shop anywhere else. (no comment about why you might want to though)
Katie adored the fish. And we like anything that puts Katie in a good mood.
As we drove back from Walmart, Katie's eyes drooped and she fell asleep about a block away from home. Ben and I smiled and talked about really how lucky we are that his is a blip and about how much we love her even when she's a Miss. Crankypants. She slept soundly all night.
I'll keep you posted and let you know how today goes.
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