We begin with a very special friend. From bath time, please welcome: CrabMan.

Name taken from the show
My Name is Earl ( so funny) Katie has actually this week been able to say his name. A two syllable name. (sounds like "ka-ma" sort of). She had said "Ba-By" a few times but has not said it consistently to mean "baby", so this is her first, BEST 2 syllable word.
We have also spent this past week eating bananas ("na" says Katie...don't know why she doesn't say "ba" to mean banana...maybe because there's less emphasis on the "b" sound than on the "n"?)

She earned this banana when she nodded her head and said "yeah!" when I asked if she wanted some banana. It's like she really understood. So Neat!

Katie also played with dad on the floor this week. This gave me some time to do things (aka dinner) in the kitchen. It's nice hearing them play together while I work.

She hung out at Papa's while I went to the dentist. (it's all good, just a checkup) (and who should I run into but Grandma Cheryl...Small world! I knew we had the same dentist, but on the same DAY? That's a little crazy!)

Papa is a sweetheart and he found a little old keyboard thing so that Katie can "blog" when I do. She likes it!

Yesterday I mentioned that we went for a walk. This was with my friend A and her son J.

Aren't they cute? It was a super sunny day and warm though we weren't too hot in pants.

Halfway through the walk we "found" (ok, it was planned) a lovely place for some gelato. PB and Jelly flavour...yum. I had brought some blackberries for Katie and though she hasn't been a big fan in the past, these must have been good ones, because she gobbled them down!

We also made a quick stop for some bread on our way home. (well, to the car, which was at A and J's home.)

Excuse the blurry photo, but this is what Katie has been doing a lot lately. She rocks out to the U2 with her legs high up in the air. So flexible! She loves the U2 (um...we may have "encouraged coughforcedcough" her)...she bops her whole body when a new song with a good beat comes on.

And earlier today, when I dropped her off at Papa's there was some yummy muffin awaiting her. I had some too, so I KNOW it was yummy.

Today was interesting...Katie didn't nap at all in the morning...but not the usual, "we put her down and she cries and then we give up" but more of a "she doesn't look at all tired, I guess she'll just stay up" kind of thing. She was great. And Papa said she slept from 12:30 until 3:00. I think this is perhaps the beginning of phasing out the morning nap...? We'll see.
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