Hi everyone! I missed you! I had a super long weekend hanging out with mom. I missed dad lots, but kept busy so I wouldn't be sad about it. I don't look too sad do I?

I did a lot this weekend and mom took lots of pictures. So when your caught up on your work email and have time for a coffee break, come and take a look!
First thing I did was help mom do the dishes. Mom says that laundry and dishes are like hugs and kisses...they never stop. I think I must have been a big help because mom smiled at me a lot.

On Friday night mom and I went to grandma Cheryl and grandpa Ken's for dinner. I got some cooking lessons from Grandpa about cooking mussels.

I thought there might be a test after (all those teachers around!), so I made sure to pay close attention.

After a good night's sleep (I'm such a big girl, I sleep through the night a lot now!) Mom took me to grandma Mary and Grandpa Dan's house for breakfast and
crossword with Uncle Terry.

After the crossword was finished (they finished the whole thing!) Grandma and Grandpa took us to the mountains in their big orange van.

We stayed in Banff for the night.

I've never seen so many trees!

The weather wasn't too bad...nothing a cute fleece jacket wouldn't fix anyway! Sunday morning we got up and walked around Banff. Grandma tried carrying me in the Baby Bjorn and it worked really well, especially since there was lots of construction on the main street and the stroller would have been a pain in the diaper.

We didn't go into too many shops, but there was this one that had a whole huge wall of bead necklaces...you wouldn't believe me if you didn't see the picture:

On the way home (we just stayed over the Saturday night) we stopped in Cochrane for ice cream at
MacKays . Of course I didn't have any, but mom said it was excellent and it won't be long before I can taste some!
Monday mom and I hung around and did our own thing for a while (lying on a blanket...good times...don't need pictures of that...see ever other blog post if you need a reminder!). Then mom decided I was in such a good mood that we should go visit Great Grandma Tighe (Mom's mom's mom) We had a good time. She didn't say much, but I think I made her eyes smile lots.

After the visit, Grandma Mary offered us lunch, so we went over there. For "kicks" Grandpa let me watch some football with him on TV (spoiled already!). Grandpa even let me hold the channel changer.!

The we came home, I napped etc while mom made some dinner for herself and baked some apparently yummy chocolate scones. Mom was even able to put some veggies in the dinner...they looked like this:

Dad sure did a good job on his garden. Anyone need any carrots?
Speaking of dad, he gets back from Penticton tonight..I can't wait to see him! He told mom that his friend did really well in his Ultraman and placed 4th! Wow, congratulations!
Yawn...Sweet Dreams everyone!