Ben and I like it more too because it's easier to see her...we don't have to use a mirror on the headrest (which did work well, but sometimes got tilted askew making it hard to see her properly).
I found some dominos in the basement the other day, to occupy Katie downstairs while I did some laundry. Despite my best intentions to have them be a" downstairs laundry toy", they have made their way up. There are no rules, it's just place them and stack them as you wish.
We had a great weekend. Sam's walking and standing seems to get better every hour and it's amazing to watch her improve. Katie's been excellent this weekend and I've had some of the quickest out of the house times in recent memory.
Sam's language is growing...and to clarify, it's not that she's saying words, but really just beginnings of sounds that could be the start of words. Starting to assign meaning to sounds. "Ahh" with her hands up is the beginning ot "All Gone" when we're done eating. "Baa" is almost Ball...or Bunny or Bear...or all of the above. The cutest new thing is that she actually will try and tickle Katie's toes while saying "Tiko tiko tiko" (or something's the high pitched intonation rather than the word sound) meaning "Tickle tickle tickle". She's said "N..." for Norge...a special word in our family...the brand name of Gram and Papa's refrigerator. It's eye level when you hold her on the way out of the house, so it's a word both girls recognized pretty early. And also she almost said "Red Man" ("Re..Ma...") and "Green Man" ("Ghee...") referring to the little magnets that she plays with on their fridge. Growing by leaps and bounds now.
Yesterday the girls spent a lovely morning playing at Grandpa and Gram's house while Ben and I went for a run. Katie and Grandpa built a log cabin with Lincoln Logs and Sam did lots of walking. All four of us earned our pancakes. What did you do to earn yours?
Have a happy Monday!
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