Happy Birthday Katie! Yesterday was (unbelievably) Katie's second birthday. The whole weekend was full of birthday fun. Today, I'll recap with pictures and tomorrow do my little "Dear Katie, You're Two!" letter.
We had our first kid party on Saturday and the family party on Sunday. For the kids, I made cupcakes and little goody bags.

We kept the numbers "small" with just Jo-Anne's girls, and D as well as little ones M (D's brother) and Shelley and Jon's little baby L. With our girls that made 7 altogether (though 3 were babies). Not a lot but it felt like it was a lot! All the parents came too, so we had a full house. Especially when half the house is balloons!

There were birthday hats too...which Katie sometimes liked...

And sometimes didn't!

D and family arrived first so the two had some time at the picnic table in the kitchen that we'd set up for the kids.

We had pasta, baby squash and salad for lunch. I missed this (feeding Sam) but apparently, Ben says that when the kids ate, all but Katie finished in 2 minutes...Katie sat and ate for quite a while longer! When everyone was ready, we had cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday!

Last year, at her first birthday, Katie didn't really know what to do with the cupcake. This year, she definitely has it figured out! (chocolate cupcakes with mint icing or
peanut butter icing, yum!)

The picnic table for the kids was a great idea!

We kept present opening (thanks everyone!) until after the kids left, thinking that it's hard for such little kids to watch someone open presents but not get any themselves. Maybe we're overthinking it?
We should have also saved presents until after Katie's nap, but instead opened them and then expected her to leave her new presents and nap right away. Wishful thinking. =) Really, though she whined a bit, she was so tired she zonked out pretty quickly.
Which gave Sam and I some quality time..

Balloons and smiles (but no giggles yet).

Sunday morning (Katie's actual birthday), we went to Gram and Papa's for breakfast sporting a gorgeous new birthday top! (It fits great Shelley!)

Sunday evening, we had dinner for Grandparents and GGs (Both Aunties were out of town).

Dinner was a successful (first time for us!) slowcooker pulled pork on buns followed, of course, by birthday cake! (in the shape of a bear with candles that spelled out KATIE. And Katie recognized the K, saying "K is for Katie!")

There were more presents and fun.

A baby doll...

A hairbrush (with flip open mirror)...

A backpack...

A tricycle...

And some books.

This morning, she's playing with all her presents still, including the trike. (feet do not touch pedals...maybe later this summer!) (Also, the bike has a push bar, so we can push without wrecking our backs!)

Ben and I were both exhausted from the whole wonderful weekend and are kind of glad that birthdays are only once a year. Hope you had a good weekend too!
Happy Birthday Katie! I can't believe what a big girl you are now. We love you so much!
Steph & Russ
Happy Birthday Katie! All the pictures look great and it look like you had a fun party.
Auntie Patty
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