Dear Sam, you are 3 months old! I cannot believe how fast the time has flown by. I feel like it was ages ago (instead of just 13 weeks) you were a tiny, floppy, crying, sleepy newborn.
Now you are bigger, cuter, rounder, more vocal, more alert and definitely a smiler and we love you. Your medicine has helped with the spitting up a lot and we can see that you're more comfortable and peaceful than you were before. You're fitting into the "next" size of clothing...3 months (3-6 months the tags often say) and we have many many cool hand-me-downs from your big sister.
Physically, we are amazed at the changes in you...your neck strength is getting much better and you seem to have a definite interest in I caught you (on video, see below) turned all the way on to one side, almost as if to roll over from your back to your front.
You sleep well...thank goodness...I am a better mom when I have more sleep and I know that you have better days when you sleep well too. I can only hope that this continues and that we can encourage this and other healthy habits as you grow.
You, though no longer quite "new", are still exciting. Thank you for being you!
Almost... from BabyLuch on Vimeo.
She looks like her big sister!
She looks like her big sister!
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