Katie's balloon wings from the market last weekend.

Dairy Queen ice cream cones.

These are children's size but we could have split one 4 ways it was so BIG.

A photo of the beautiful BBQ pizza we made. (the one I gushed about)

Proof that crayon will melt to the bottom of a hot coffee cup.

This is my favorite coffee mug ever. Huge and Tinkerbell. If I remember correctly, it was a gift from Grandma Lill years ago. I use it almost every day.

Katie with a house she built out of laundry. If I can only get her to start helping me match socks like the article on kids doing chores says a three year old should be able to do. (in the paper today)

Speaking of socks...is it weird that I loathe socks all winter (due to the annoying job of matching) and now that it's summer, I don't have to wear socks I should be rejoicing? But all I can think about is how I now know how crumby my floors are and how I wish I had socks on and didn't know?
Sam has been seeing these Telus billboards around town and MEOWing loudly...she gets SO excited!

Katie was playing the markers (highlighters technically) and produced some lovely skin art. Every other week I take markers away for this kind of thing and the next week keep forgetting why I did and bring them out again. Repeat.

May I proudly present...my newest crafty project:

My new purse/bag! Not that I need one (still diaper bag all the time) but it was so much fun to sew something so cute...I'll find a reason to use it. The pattern is

I KNEW she was being too quiet.

This is all your fault blog. =)
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