Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day/Ben's Day

No pictures today...

For those that are worried, Katie's face cleaned up the other day easily with a wipe. What looked like marker was actually "Dry Erase Crayon" that we'd had some samples of. What a monkey!

We had a pretty good weekend. Sam has been throwing up a bit off and on since Friday, including another one this morning. Thought we fixed the problem by getting her new milk (I remember once when Katie was younger we fed her bad milk that had her sick for a few days...thought this was similar) but perhaps it's a mild stomach bug. Her spirits are pretty good and she's sleeping well, so I shouldn't be worried.

We had the grandparents and Auntie Andrea and Uncle Sheldon over for Father's Day BBQ pizza lunch on Sunday. It was a very hot day and nice to sit outside. The girls even got in the little pool.

We were also celebrating Ben's Birthday (which was actually yesterday), so the day was really all about Ben! Such a wonderful dad and husband, he's not hard to celebrate! I honestly don't think I could be as good a mom without him. And the girls adore him...can't wait until he's home with us for summer.

I also managed to do some sewing this weekend again (yes, I am a bit obsessive when I get into something I like) and made another purse/bag. And cannot stop thinking about what else I can sew. Any ideas?

Katie's downstairs watching a show (I'm pretty sure...), Super Why and perhaps we'll add a few minutes of soccer afterward. Hard not to. Enjoy your day!

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