I'm still getting caught up on blogging...this post has a ton of pictures in an attempt to clear the backlog. All the way up to August 29th. Phew...teh rest will have to wait.
We have been busy lately...Ben's back to work this week and the girls and I are readjusting to going about our days without him. So far we've had the usual strollercize and a couple of playdates. That plus getting meals and naps and regular day stuff and time flies by.
BUT...back in mid August, we kep tbusy by going to the Telus World of Science (I think of it more as the Space and Science Centre).

Overall it was a little disappointing...perhaps because there's not a lot that is really geared towards 2 year olds btu also the exhibits seem to be showing their age a bit. We did have fun with the weather "put yourself on TV" section.

And trying to figure out the mind puzzles.

Katie would NOT stick her face the astronaut photo-op but Sam did!

Trying to keep Katie occupied one day after dinner, I discovered she could help me put away the food...it took a long time but she moved ALL the pasta into container all by herself.

Sam jumping...we're not jumping so much these days anymore...She's gotten so much better at sitting up and playing with toys...pulling them towards her and grabbing at things...leaning forward for things...that we just don't "need" to kill time in the jumper like we used too. Happy baby these days!

We were all playing in the girls room one day and Katie insisted they lie under the alligator.

The girls hanging out on Papa's bed. (possibly watching TV?)

Sam up in Gram's office on campus (sorry, the focus is backwards...on the background instead of Sam).

Sam in a cute outfit.

Katie picked out her outfit...pants and shirt both have purple but the patterns are a bit crazy together!

Papa and Sam in his backyard.

Katie and Gram picking the few apples that grew on teh neighbours tree. Gram and Papa's apple trees had maybe half a dozen apples all together...not a good growing year at all. We may not even have any to make apple pies this year.

Sam's first time eating in the high chair (did I show you this one already?)

Papa and Gram took us out for lunch one day to Sorrentino's cafe.

The lunch was delish, but Katie was super tired for some reason, barely had a bite of her PASTA (unheard of behaviour!) and really seemed ready to fall asleep in her chair! Not sure what was up with that. She didn't get sick or anything...thought maybe it was a cold/flu coming on.

Auntie Alli came for a visit and we ll had a great time seeing her. The 5 of us went to Boston Pizza. Sam sat in the high chair and had fun.

And Katie enjoyed her straw. Both girls were very well behaved.

Sam and Alli had some lovely bonding moments.

I made pie later that same afternoon...
This One...with rasppberries and blueberries...it was AMAZING. (it helped that Gram made the crust for me...she had extra and sent it home with me).

Katie wearing a toweldress.

The next day we went to one of our favorite playgrounds!

Sam wasn't bouncing, but she was enjoying the shade.

And the Saturday we went with Gram and Grandpa to the farmers market downtown...had a wonderful time strolling about and chaecking out the wonderful veg and crafts. And at the end, we all had a bite to eat. (sorry that the photo is not flattering...but at least it's universally unflattering...!)

The Sunday we went to Uncle Ray and Auntie Jen's to celebrate cousin Melanie's birthday. Nice party and great to see everyone! GG Mary was there too.

A lunchtime photo of the girls. Lately, the mood in our house has been much much more HAPPY than the cranky we had previously told you about. Aside from general "I'm hungry/tired/want that" crying/whining, things are easily managable and dare I say buckets of fun.

We had our friends Russ and Steph over for dinner and their adorable baby W. (3 months now) We're starting to let the babies hang out...they don't really know what to make of each other, but give it time.


We had such a lovely dinner with our friends!

The next day we must have had some crazy energy going on because Ben and I tried to make homemade pasta while the girls were napping. Used a Jamie Oliver recipe which has just 6 eggs and 5 cups of flour.

It worked and made beautiful noodles like this:

Sam was impressed when she woke up.

When Katie woke up we were just finishing up getting ready for dinner and so we let her watch a bit of TV. YES...we have actually ventured into TV territory. For fear of rasing complete pop culture nerds and/or creating rebel tv addicts, we've let KAtie watch a few small bits of TV. Stuff we tape on the PVR...Berenstein Bears and Thomas the Train engine so far. Katie likes it, but keeps turning around in her chair and says "Mom, I'm still watching!". I suppose a little bit won't kill her. What MIGHT kill her is the bump on her head...she fell off her bed in the middle of napping and fell smack on her forehead...Can you see the BIG bump?

She was in good spirits though, and doesn't appear to have any long term damage. Horsey rides help.

In other quick news (really this is long enough, I'll write new stuff next time as we get more caught up), Sam's "talking" more lately...Ga ga ga and Ya ya ya...super cute. And Katie said something funny but I don't remember what. Today was HOT...record breaking for this time of year, 32 C. We went to the Legeslature grounds, where they have lovely wading pools and grassy shadey spots. Picnic lunch. Second day in a row...we went with Steph and baby W yesterday and said "why haven't we been doing this all summer". So when I called Joanne this morning, to see what they were doing today and she said "Leg Grounds"...I only thought for a few seconds before I said we would go.
Phew. If this many pictures in one post causes any seriously problems for anyone (too slow etc) pleas let me know...I'm hoping I don't have to do it again but let me know in case! And now...I'm not even going to read it over and check for typos. Maybe tomorrow. =)
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