Hmm, somehow, I'm still about a week behind blogging these days. Here are pictures from our "two days of fun in a row" at the Legislature Grounds. Hopefully you'll be able to see why we had to go twice!
The girls eating lunch...Took Sam's clothes off so she wouldn't get carrot stains on her outfit. The umbrella in the background was for shade. It was so nice and warm!

Stephanie and Baby W joined us...such fun to hang out together! Just the past week we went for a wonderful walk in the river valley all together...must get out and enjoy these nice days while they're still here! The weather's been great lately but the way it cools off overnight and the short days tell us that fall is on the way!

I held Sam and dipped her feet...the water is perfect for kids to walk around in.

Sam in her big hat.

Baby W with a smile!

At home that night, Katie was playing with her doll, the one I knit her for her first birthday. She carries her with arms wrapped around her neck, hanging upside down. Funny to see.

Sam playing with the big fun cube.

With Sam sitting up so well, both girls can sit in the cart at I've longed for this day! It's so much easier than having Sam in the Baby Bjorn and trying to pick up something big (uh, anything at Costco!) ...although we do sometimes wait and go to Costco with Ben, so there's two of us anyway. I think the girls like being in the cart together...though there's are noticeable issues with sharing whatever it is they're playing with. (coupons or a toy etc) Sam's sunglasses were Katie's...too cute! We got so many "aw, cute" looks on our way into the store.

Day 2 at the Leg. Grounds. Took a picture by the big fountain. Katie's wearing the cute dress I knit her in the spring...she's refused to wear it so many times I'd almost given up trying...but she was willing this time...and it looked great!

Sam on the blanket. (a better picnic blanket, since I knew the shady ground would be damp...the advantages of day 2!)

Katie walking in the water with her bucket (again, a day 2 advantage...I hadn't thought to bring it the first day but the next day I knew Katie'd like having it).

This time JoAnne and her adorable girls joined's funny, Katie has the exact same swimsuit as the girls, though we wore a different one that day. Great minds think alike! The girls had fun playing with Baby Sam and running round everywhere.

Katie was having some fun with the umbrella and as soon as she picked it up JoAnne's girls wanted to be in on the fun too...instant buddies!

Katie and I had some fun with the laptop camera the other day, Since then she keeps asking to do "colours", like this:

She laughed hysterically when we did this...I had a tough time keeping her quiet while Sam was napping.
And we can swim with the fishes too!

Otherwise...things are pretty good. Enjoying strollercize and the weather. Had a good
Terry Fox Run this morning...if you're looking for a good cause to donate too, this is a good one! On the down side, Katie has the sniffles that came up overnight and Ben and I are starting to feel it too...I'm hoping we can fight it off quickly. Cancelled a dinner with friends who were coming over tonight because we didn't want to spread the germs (I love kids, but they are to germy and drippy when they're sick!). Dissapointing, but I think it was the right thing to do.
More catching up and pictures coming soon...hopefully I can muster up the energy to blog midweek! See you soon!
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