Ahem. Is this thing on?
The latest batch of non-blogging has been brought on by some serious parenting. Terrible twos are in full swing. It's not that things are ALL terrible, but the frustrating moments are taking a lot of energy.
It's really all about the little things. Katie taking her shoes off right before we get out of the car. Taking her socks off right before we're getting our shoes on the leave the house. Running away when I want to get Katie for anything (getting ready to go, for example...sense a theme? How am I still going out anywhere?). Pee/pooping on the floor during naps (the naps that don't happen, which is about every other day now).
There are good things...sentences are getting ever more complex (though the chatter is also non-stop now...I sometimes go crazy and feel like I can't ever get a word in edgewise...Karma some might say, from my own childhood). Pretending is out of this world...it takes so much energy to use our imagination as much as Katie does!
Sam can move around a bit while sitting on her bum. She also can get up on one knee, especially when she has something to lean on with her hands, like my knee or Katie's bed rail. She loves standing up and can stand for what seems like forever without needing support.
Sam still only has the two teeth, but two more are on their way soon I think...the top gum appears to be swollen and we've had intermittent hot, red cheeks lately. She's gabbing a lot too and we're trying to encourage some word recognition, but not really anticipating any real "words" yet.
I'm posting pictures, but am really going to try and keep the commentary on them brief...otherwise blogging gets long and tedious.
But...I will tell you (from JUST a few minutes ago) than when having "Mom Time" (it's the new Nap Time don't you know?), creating a fort by draping a sheet over the chairs in the living room, doesn't just provide FUN and keep a little one busy, it also provides a quiet hidden place which is perfect for quietly pooping in ones pants and peeing on the floor. Yep. This is the way of things these days. I'll try not to disappear for so long this time, but no promises.
On to photos:
Papa coming with us to practice swimming in the middle of the week. We have been taking swimming lessons (parent and tot) Saturday mornings since the end of September. Katie likes the water but for some reason really dislikes lessons. A weekday visit is our attempt to gain extra comfort (though if it stems from the group thing, it may not help much as there are few kids in the pool mid week).

Katie waking up from a nap where I had left the closet door unlocked. Katie found her old sandals that are too small and had crawled back into bed with them on.

Sam playing with our friend Steph's Baby W's toy. She loves it.

Katie carrying a "tree" on a walk with Steph and Baby W. The weather was super nice that day.

Katie helping feed Sam...we've gone to more cut up finger foods for Sam...she was getting upset at mealtimes and we think it was that she was getting tired of eating mush.

Sam out for coffee with us and Mrs F.

Having so many frustrating/mad moments with Katie has made me want to try harder to create lovely moments...which sometimes backfires...moments like baking together. Here are ginger snap cookies:

These cookies were perfect for the first snow of the season. The snow is now all gone as we've had a very weird fall for weather. I scurried out soon after to buy her some boots since the old ones didn't fit. Happily her snowsuit from last year still fits.

I also tried baking bread (kneading out the frustration...!).

The recipe in my Purity cookbook made 4 loaves of whole wheat! (forgot to rotate pic...too late now!)

This is the photo from when Katie said "What are you doing Sam!" and I found Sam with her hands in a bowl of her cereal.

Sam turned right around and opened the door in Katie's play kitchen.

All dressed up for JoAnne's girls 3rd B-day Party this past Saturday. Princess themed.

With a princess cake.

And cupcakes for the kids.

Sam successfully managed peas on her own (mostly). Ben wasn't there because he had Cross Country provincials out of town that day.

The goody bags had crowns, a ball for Sam,

Wands for both girls and princess pencils and a notepad. She was thrilled!

That's it...see you later.