Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh what a toddler...!

My goodness we have a toddler these days!

The other morning Katie was, for some reason, upset at breakfast. It was standard favorite breakfast fare...Cheerios in milk and pear on the side, but for some reason that only Katie knows it was Not Good and she didn't want any of it. I tried draining the milk from the spoon and just giving her the cheerios, but that wasn't good. could she not want the pear?...she LOVES pear. There was lots of crying...some hand waving and squishing of pear and maybe even a little throwing of cheerios. Eventually, dad saved the day and dug up an orange...mandarin...which has also been a favorite lately. This saved the day and somehow turned the whole attitude around. Cheerios (dry ones) were eaten. Milk (in a cup) was drank. Even the pear was better now. It was a total, unreasonable (to adult eyes) toddler temper tantrum. Interesting. The rest of the day was much better.

Last week Auntie Andrea had returned from a work trip to Hong Kong and brought back a Minnie Mouse from HK Disney for Katie...Katie likes!
And hugs...!The other evening Katie was saying something to Ben and I and it took us forever to decipher what it was she was saying and then it dawned on us..."Music" she was saying. She wanted us to turn on the radio and put some music on, like we had done a few days before. So we did and we had fun dancing and she was very pleased that we had understood her. (This is SO important to her, and maybe all kids, I think.)Katie also found some nice bracelets...labels from mom's yarn. The other day (when I'd forgotten the camera at Gram and Papa's) Katie had lots of fun working on her signature walk (which currently mostly includes holding someone else's fingers but sometimes a table will do). A step here and there without fingers and in time she'll be running around. Notice the cute's a size 3T but fits perfectly...a great colour on her and a very cute style. I'm in the midst of downloading some little movies...including to show off a Halloween card that Katie received from Auntie Alli and Uncle Shannon, but it's taking forever so I'll have to share those later.

Last night Katie woke up and cried for quite a while...Ben went in and eventually guessed that her teeth were hurting (as best as we could tell) and gave her baby tylenol...after a bit more back rubbing from me, she fell asleep snoring peacefully. Slept in until 7:15 this morning and woke up perky as can be. We're glad she's feeling better. I'm sure there are teeth coming in, though I honestly haven't been able to check since she won't let me in her mouth these days. I'll take her word for it. =)

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