Another week has flown by! Last week I worked some extra days and so Ben was Katie's main squeeze Tuesday through Friday. I may be making up commentary for the days when he took pictures.
Last Monday, I called up Joanne and we had a very fun trip to a park with G and C. It was such a beautiful, sunny day!

I let Katie crawl around in the sand...which gets her all dirty and sand get EVERYWHERE (diaper sand...ew) but she enjoys it so much I have to let her do it.

G has fun crawling too.

Ben had the great idea that we should take off a couch cushion and maybe that would give Katie more leverage for pulling herself up.

It was a great idea, and though she had a little help near the end, she did the most "pulling up" we'd ever seen.
Some other time this week (I forget what happened when), Katie spent some time at Grandpa Ken's and climbed up and down this little step that goes down to their living room. She loves just going up and down! (and says the words too)

One evening we went to visit Great Uncle Jerry and Auntie Andrea joined us. G Uncle Jerry is a great host and provided cake and muffins which Katie just about inhaled.

There was laughing and much fun! Katie stayed up a b past her normal bedtime but even so did very well.

Another day last week Ben took Katie shopping at the Big Mall and checked out the brand new Apple Store. Katie looks like she was enjoying herself, doesn't she?

And dad even found the kids section! (Katie...don't get too excited, we're not buying you a computer any time soon!)

Dad also took pictures proving Katie had a good and healthy lunch.

Yum...salmon and cauliflower...Katie loves both of these!


I think these pictures (this one and lunch above) must have been on the same day...there was one really awesome day they had..the day after a cranky day...where Katie was all smiles and slept something like 2.5 hours in the afternoon. I think this picture is dad going in to wake her up.

And she was STILL all smiles!

They came to pick mom up from work.

There I am! Seeing my two favorite people after work is the best feeling in the world!

There was also a visit paid to Great Grandma Mary, where Katie made close friends with "purple guy" ("Guy" she says) who ended up coming home with them. (he's a dinosaur type creature...not a Barney though!)

Katie and Ben have been having the most relaxing before bed reading sessions lately...

...except for the "NO". I'll take this moment to share with you that Katie has started to develop quite a liking of the word NO. She does it very politely, sweetly and calmly. Even when we're going through a stack of books to read, she'll now shove a book away with her hand and say "No". Favorite books even, like "Sometimes I like to curl up like a ball" and Moo, Baa, La La La". She uses the word also when not reading and we hear it more and more. We're a bit nervous...but we'll just have to see where this goes. So far it's not becoming much of an issue.
It's a good thing we have guaranteed fun things to do, like ride our Patrick the Puppy. She gets so excited and she'll bob up and down trying to move him...all by herself, not just when we push her. So cute. I have a video of this I'll put up someday soon I hope.

And yesterday Auntie Aundrea came by for dinner (we love having her for dinner...she entertains Katie a bit while we prep and we're all very comfortable hanging out...nothing too formal.)

And often, lots of kisses. =)

Hmm...there was something else I wanted to tell you about Katie this week. Not sure I remember. Still not walking but practicing lots. Ben (not weak) and Grandpa Ken took apart the basement this past week...carpet, ceiling, wall paneling...everything. Gutted. To be rebuilt with panache and style by the end of the summer. Katie and I both SO appreciate the hard work and long hours...thank you both! And now we've made it public. =)
We have another busy week this week and may not have time to post...definitely catch up next week!
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