On our second day of the trip we made our way to Vernon and had a visit with Katie's great Uncle Pat and great Auntie Mo. We had such a nice visit with them! I was having so much fun (apparently) that I forgot to take any pictures of the two of them! Oh dear!
Before dinner we went for Katie's first ever boat ride! It was so exciting (for me too...can't remember the last time I was on a boat!)!

Katie was "cool" in her sunglasses.

She was having lots of fun...for a short while...

And then she fell asleep! It was the funniest thing ever. Since she had her sunglasses on, we couldn't see her eyes and it wasn't until Auntie Maureen noticed that her head was bobbing that we realized she'd been lulled asleep by the rocking of the boat. It was actually a good thing since she'd not napped much earlier. (darn poop...always ruins a good nap!)
Here's a picture of the sleeping beauty.

We had a lovely dinner, followed by a visit with my cousin Jackie and her boys Nolan and Conner (whom Katie just adores...I think he's the closest in age to her of the whole family!). Katie went to sleep a bit later than normal, but that didn't stop her from waking up bright and early at 5am (6am Edmonton time...so not really that bad!). We were fed pancakes and given big hugs and then we were off to Summerland and Penticton. It was such a nice visit but I can't really explain it in words...it wasn't just having a place to stay or dinner, but spending time with family that you've known forever and having a chance to catch up and have interesting conversations. Just so wonderful! Thanks again P and M!
Of course, by the time we got to Penticton it was only about 9 or 10am, so we had lots of time before meeting up with Ben's parents. We checked out the Lakeside in Penticton:

And relaxed on Skaha beach on the other side of Penticton. Katie had snacks and milk after lunch, but was too distracted to nap much.

So we donned bathing suits and played in the shade (and the lake but more pics of that tomorrow).

Katie is not kissing you, but saying "NO". Still a very popular word these days along with "Hi!" the new favorite. She says Hi to everybody she can. (too cute!)

She looks a bit tired here doesn't she?

When we'd had enough of the beach we wandered around Summerland and picked up some of dad's Favorite potato salad...for a snack. Yum!

Trip tales continue tomorrow...when we see Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Ken!
1 comment:
Happy to hear that you had a great trip! I was wondering why you stopped blogging.
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