Here are pictures from our weekend.
Katie wearing Sam's (Katie's old) sunglasses, channeling her best Elton John.

Sam doing her tummy time.

Dad and the girls...the only picture I got of the three of them on Father's Day.

Katie in her new sandals and Sam playing.

Everybody over for dinner, Ben opening birthday presents.

Even Auntie Alli made an appearance...with the help of Skype and our laptop!

Pictures from yesterday...Sam in her exersaucer...we've taken the swing downstairs in storage since she spends more time in the exersaucer and Jolly Jumper and we don't really swing much anymore.

Katie eating blueberries and raspberries for her snack...I showed her how to play with food (oops) and stick a blueberry INSIDE a raspberry for a fun treat. I'm goofy. =)

Sam, practicing sitting up in the big chair...she's not ready to sit by herself but wen on our laps she does try to lean forward and works her core quite a bit. Time to practice I think!

Yesterday we met a couple of playgroup friends at a playground in Laurier Heights...what a lovely park! They have a spray park too, which could come in handy on warm days.

Some bigger kids were there and one girl offered to push Katie on the swings.

Sam slept for the first hour.

And then sat in the shade while we had snacks.

This morning, while dad made Katie's toast, Katie grabbed her pillow and blanket and had a lie down on the cool tile floor.

Also yesterday was Ben's and my last fitness boot camp...and the most fun one of all! We had a scavenger hunt we had to do...running, in pairs, to 5 out of 8 checkpoints and doing an activity there. One of these was at a salon where we had to paint each others nails (fluorescent pink!)...while blindfolded. I obviously need another round of nail polish remover because Ben didn't do a great job.

It was a race, and while we didn't win our fitness division, we did manage to come in second overall...and we worked hard so we were very pleased!
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