We've got a couple of birthdays to talk about in this post, but it's a very important UNbirthday I want to start with! Katie is 18 months old today! Wow! How and when did this happen!? She's such a big little girl and all all I can think about is how on earth is it possible to love someone this much.
And I'm please to inform you, that Katie's mood has much improved since earlier this week...we officially think that her crankiness was related to teething and not impending "terrible two's" or something similar. We've been actually enjoying reading some books...including this one, about trains (that's for Uncle Shannon!).

And Katie's been showing her independence by choosing some of her own clothes this week. She insisted on wearing these pants 2 days in a row and once with a very not matching polka dot shirt too. And these pants...are teeny tiny...size 9-12 months. Super stretchy so they do fit but barely. Ah well, it's good to let her make some choices for herself some days.

Yesterday we went (sans dad...recovering from the flu...but much better now) to Gram and Grandpa's to celebrate this special lady's birthday...Happy Birthday Great Grandma Mary!

Of course, as Katie knows well, with birthday's come cake...which she very much enjoyed. Grandpa spoiled her and let her pick at the icing.

And Auntie Jen and Uncle Ray helped her gulp down a yummy piece of cake and ice cream.

After all the excitement, we had a nice sleep in this morning, until about 7:15 and had a restful but at the same time busy and productive day. Dad was the star of the show and made muffins...possibly the first batch he's made (since we've been married at least).

We did have to sample one and make sure they were delicious...

Because they were for a very important family...our bowling partners and close friends Jon and Shelley welcomed a beautiful baby boy into their house about a week and a bit ago...meet baby L.

I only had time to visit a few minutes but both mom and baby seem to be doing great...we're so pleased to have more friends for Katie to play with.

We are also pleased to say that our frequent playdate friends Megan and baby D welcomed anew baby this past weekend as well! Little baby (boy) M. (hmm...the privacy letter naming issue could get confusing if more friends have babies eh?) They are apparently doing very well and we'll share pictures too when they are settled and we can bring them muffins too.
Such excitement in one weekend! Was your weekend as exciting?
PS...things are getting colder a bit weather-wise these days...and that reminds me that I've been meaning to share this awesome soup recipe for weeks now! It was easy, tasty and surprisingly filling for "just a soup". Kind of spicy but the brown sugar balances it out well.
Spicey Pumpkin Soup. Hope you like it!
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