Monday, June 4, 2007

Hot Stuff

This weekend was warm and our little Katie was Hot Stuff too...Both the sunglasses and dress were a gift, and both are really too big but we couldn't resist putting them on her anyway.

We had a busy weekend again with a few long walks (we love our stroller so much!)

Of note, we had a nice visit with friends Russ and Stephanie in their new house, Dad planted the veggie garden with great grandma Mary, we went to our church for the first time and slept through it (Katie, not mom and dad!), and tried to stay cool by hanging out naked (again Katie only!). This coming weekend Auntie Alli and Uncle Shannon are flying in...Katie can't wait...hope the week goes by fast!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS SOMEONE IS SO CUTE!! I love how she is giving the Paris Hilton paparazzi hand to the camera. She is such a glamour girl!!!!!