Ben's been working with some extracurricular school stuff AND preparing for his triathlon tomorrow morning (um...babe?'s snowing outside right now...better dress like winter for this one!) so we've been missing him and he's been missing us. This post is for him.
Sam's super helpful...look at her close the dishwasher for me!

I saw this, was happy, and returned to whatever food prep I was doing yesterday and not soon after turned and saw this:

What a silly girl!
I cooked beet soup for the girls (hmm...wait, this was Thursday, not yesterday) and that's a shirtless meal in our house. (for the girls, not me!) See how smart I am? Sam insisted on feeding herself and I gave in.

Friday morning was crazy because that was when the microwave broke and I was having a sleepy morning as it was...started making steel cut oatmeal and then decided to make normal cereal once I realized we didn't want to wait another 30 minutes. Once I sat down of course, I forgot completely and the oatmeal overcooked. Didn't burn really, but not yummy to eat. I was feeling scattered all the rest of the day!

Oh, hey, Ben, remember this morning when I was running around looking for my hair elastic? I was SURE I'd put it on my wrist and then it disappeared. Found it...

...Stuck on Katie's leg from when I put on her tights. That's the mark it left on her leg. (I think it must have come off in her tights while I was reaching into the toe. Why didn't I think to look there?)
Today, while the girls were playing and I was doing...something, I can't remember what...Sam fell down and had quite a cry...I only saw her once she was down and it didn't look like a spectacular fall. Well, it appears she fell hard onto the rug we have by the front door. See the pattern of our rug?

Oh, and you know how you said Sam could crawl onto Katie's bed? I saw her do it. She's fast and proud of it.

Katie doesn't seem to mind...she thinks sharing a room is the best! ( I type this for 12 year old Katie when she reads this, in case she needs reminding.)

And look what else Sam (I'm sure it was Sam, but in all honesty. I didn't see her do it) did today...

That's the third time this week. Really.
And for everyone else...Sweetest Moment of the Week award: It's a tie between
1) Finding Katie and Sam sleeping in Sam's bed last night or
2) Finding one of my favorite chocolate bars on the laptop wen we got home from a little friend's birthday party this afternoon, from Ben, with an "Iloveyou" note on it.
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