Happy (post)Thanksgiving everyone!
Yesterday was a holiday and we celebrated by going swimming just the three of us. We had lots of fun...haven't gone swimming as often lately and it was a nice reminder that we should go more often. We had a lovely weekend with a birthday party, 2 turkey dinners and a brunch...and had
camnesia for most of it. ('scuse the silly link full of ads...another link I found had a different definition that most definitely did NOT apply).
Luckily I have plenty of photos from the week before. We took another trip to the park...like animals who gorge on food before hibernating for winter, we're wanting to get as many trips to the park while the weather is nice. Katie took one look at the slide and said "No!"...she was not having any of that.

We reorganized her toy boxes, putting blocks and stackables all in one and other toys in another. I think she did play more with the toys as they were easier to find what she wanted. She had so much fun, she got crawled right in there. These pretty IKEA boxes won't last too much longer if we keep this up, but oh well! Worth it for the entertainment value (hers and ours!).

Last weekendwe went to Auntie Andrea's and Uncle Sheldon's for an Open House type party. Lots of family was there and Katie was delighted when the other "KIDS" arrived. (she says it capitalized just like that you know...!) My cousin's kids A and V were looking adorable and well-behaved as always.

They seem to enjoy each other's company. When I tried for a photoshoot it was pretty hard to get all three looking at the same time. Crazy kids!

This week Katie and I went on a fun trip to IKEA...and ran close to lunchtime, so I decided last minute to eat there too...and it was great. There was yummy pasta(with zucchini that she didn't notice in the sauce!) and quiche that she and I shared and some milk too.

We also had a playdate with all three friends at once! D and the girls, C and G.

It was a little bit chaotic, but they all got along fairly well and had a good time.

Last week we were also lucky to have visitors for dinner one night...Great Uncle Laurie and Great Auntie Elaine. They brought their guitar and played songs for Katie...she was so excited! Ben and I were inspired too and have been singing more songs with Katie this week, since we all enjoyed it that evening. Bring on the music! (And in other music news...a brag moment here...Katie can almost sing the whole Twinkle Twinkle Little Star song...some words are completely unclear but every phrase is there. We often prompt her line by line, but I have caught her saying the words by herself too!)

I found some rogue pictures on my camera...from Papa's..apparently Katie likes to try on shoes over at their house too!

This past long weekend, we went to the twins's 2 year birthday party (Happy Birthday Girls!). There were lots of kids around. Katie loved that. It did turn out that she was somewhat terrified of the balloons though, and we ended up sticking to the playroom with regular toys while the balloons were "Over There".

There were two lovely cakes...one Jo Anne baked in the shape of a barn...so cute! All the kids sat around the table and ate cake...it was so cute. Katie left this party with an enhanced vocabulary...she said "Happy Birthday Cake" all the way home!

That evening Katie was walking around in her boots...she loves those boots.

I think she'd been really hot so we took off the dress she'd been wearing. I was counting on the boots keeping her warm.

As I mentioned I completely forgot to take pictures while we had brunch at Grandpa Ken and Grandma Cheryl's on Sunday, but rest assured it was lovely. GG Lill was there and Great Uncle Mickey too.
Dinner Sunday was at my cousins place and they have a gorgeous puppy that Katie fell in love with. I think the love went both ways.

She completely tired herself out while practicing her stairs...She must have gone up and down a million times. Carpet was nice and soft compared with the lino on our stairs. She's really a master of stairs now.

We had dinner last night at Great Auntie Gail's. Katie discovered that she LOVES cranberries (sauce). She kept asking for more. And though they have a bit of sugar in them...cranberries are full of antioxidants, right? And if they helped her eat every other veg on her plate why not? (we may have to keep cranberries on hand now!).
Really we had just the best weekend! It's always nice to see family and show Katie off. Seeing her interact with others is neat. At my cousin's dinner Sunday night, there must have been over 30 people there and Katie just crawled around and looked at everybody...not letting strange people pick her up or anything, but still looking like she enjoyed being around all the people.
Katie helped me vote this morning (cross fingers) and I gave her a bath since with the busy weekend it'd been a few days. And we have her appointment with the pediatrician this afternoon, for her 18 month check-up. (she's not officially 18 months old, you didn't miss anything...but she will be on the 26th!) Looking forward to hearing his thoughts on her growth and talking about some minor questions we have.
Almost forgot...Katie's been saying some ABC's lately...just starts saying them...though her alphabet goes something like this "ABCDEFGFGFGFGFGFGFGLMPW" and that's about it. I think it's a great start, don't you? =)
Happy Tuesday (and go vote if you haven't already)!