It's cliche to say this, but I cannot believe you're already 4...have you really been bringing joy to our lives for 4 years already? (and has it only been this long? Feels like forever!)
You took this picture of yourself with the camera last week. I think it is the best picture of your eyes I have seen. Such a beautiful mix of colours!
You are the greatest big sister I could ever want for Sam. You both enjoy each others company most of the time and the things that make you giggle are silly. "Sack of Potatoes" anyone?! You are also finding humour in potty language these days, though you have been pretty good at stopping when we ask. For example, when "making cake" you explain that it's "Blueberry Diaper Cake" ha ha ha. =) Speaking of blueberries...:
I suppose your biggest talent these days is drawing. Your teacher at preschool has let us know time and time again that you have excellent colouring/drawing skills. (if I'm allowed to brag..."best I've ever seen in a 3 year old" is about what your teacher said). You drew this "Blueberry Man" (you named him) at dad's school on the white board.
Your face was painted like a butterfly here because we went to our friend D's preschool Easter Egg Hunt/Penny Carnival...we had so much fun. It is a wonderful feeling to do things that make you happy.
Love and BIG Four Year Old Hugs,
PS...big hugs to Dad's our 8th wedding anniversary today and I can't believe how fast the time is gone and how amazing you have been as a Husband and Father. That's all I can say about it...if I try and type more and explain, I just start tearing up because no words are good enough. =)
Happy birthday katie! :)(and happy anniversary to you heather and ben!!)
Yay! Happy Birthday!
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