's a quick one...( that I'm done writing, it wasn't so quick!)
We love driving by giant blow up animals/characters...we saw this one in the west end and Katie said "That bear's sitting on a potty!". It does look like that doesn't it?
There was a playground within view of our site:
Gram and Papa.
- ripping out our front lawn (left the trees) as we are planning on redoing the grass and grading and sidewalk.
- lots of sewing for me...a dress! ...and a skirt! and a tiny dress that's a wee bit too small for Sam that I will make again but bigger.
- Lots of chalk...thank you Steph and Russ for 3-D's awesome!
- Lots of playgrounds and strollercize, trips to the library and so much rain!
The girls are fun...things have been so great. That 123 thing works really well for Katie. We're still improving but it's made such a difference in my parenting. I caught Katie drawing the alphabet today. Yes, I'm absolutely not lying. And I didn't even coach her, she just did it. It wasn't perfect, naturally, but definitely recognizable...up to about m...and then I saw some s and t and maybe a q. She's loving her dot to dot workbook and that uses abc's and numbers, so she's really getting great at that...and enjoys it! turned 18 months old yesterday!! I cannot believe what a big girl you're getting to be. You've definitely getting it when it comes to language...feels like in the last couple of weeks you've started finding new words all over the place! And even starting to put endings on your "Mil...K!", as you emphasize the K sound like we encourage you to do. And with this, I think things are getting easier just because you're understanding more of what we tell're maybe not so in the dark's like we've let you in on our big secret, and you're very happy about it.
You may also be happy because I think we're through most of your teething. You have all of your teeth broken through that you should (no 2 yr molars yet). We've had a nice period of sleep with some solid nights and some sleep ins...!! Until about 7am even. Though really, anything later than 6am gets me pretty excited.
You're climbing very well...managed to get up on the red couch just yesterday seemed pretty high but you've just figured out how to shift your body weight. You're very proud of yourself. And, not that I'm not careful anymore, but you're SO GOOD at getting down (you say "turn around") that I'm not as worried about you falling.
You're really enjoying cheese lately...another of your good words. Your hair is getting longer and it blows in the wind and is JUST starting to maybe get in your eyes a bit...time to find the tiny barrettes for fine hair...if you would just leave them in. =) Maybe we have to try pigtails?
At your 18 month checkup we found that you're 25 pounds and Hmm...forget the height but it's 90th percentile (weight is 75th...both up from last time) and the doctor prescribed that we use your excema cream on your "diaper rash"'s been SO helpful...I wish we'd found out about that earlier...we've been struggling for a couple of months with this (again!). Otherwise, your skin's been looking really great...a bit of cream here and there and excema's seems under control.
Life is great. YOU are great...thank you for being you and keep it up!
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