Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Snow Day!

It snowed a ton today! I had planned on taking Sam on a little playdate this morning, but as soon as I heard CBC say "if you haven't gone out yet, don't go out..." I decided it was better to stay home.

The first thing she wanted to do was go out and play in the snow. So we shoveled at 9am. I shoveled twice more today. (Ben was impressed is evening when I showed of my bicep...i really think it's from all the shoveling!...I did all our walks and our neighbours front twice in the last week or so as well). (sorry there is no picture of my bicep...I know you would really like to see. Ha ha)

It was a lot of snow...! We had practically no snow at all on our front yard yesterday (the weather has been so warm lately that recent snow had melted). It was wet and heavy as the temp was pleasantly just around freezing.

We were having company for dinner, so after shoveling and playing inside for a bit, I asked Sam if we could clean up together and that way I could relax and knit while watching tv with the girls after lunch. It worked really well and it was great to have things tidy earlier in the day.

Katie's bus home was running late because of the snow. The bus people are great and have automated phone calls and emails to let us know about it. (this also works when the bus is late in the morning...only happened once, but it was so great to be notified.)

After shows, the girls and I did more shoveling and playing. They had snow pants on and new mitts that I made from an old wool blanket (which worked really well for on snow play!). We made snow angels and Katie made little tunnels and houses in the snow. Sam tried forever to shovel the heavy snow with our big grown up shovel. Giggling the whole time. It was so nice out that I was able to fit on the steps for a while and just listen to them play without being cold at all. New snow pants (yay Costco!) helped.

I only work Tuesday and Thursday this week and am already enjoying the freedom of having the other days off. I worked every day last week and it was fine, as I have afternoons off, obviously, but still felt rather busy.

The girls are good...Sam is doing so so well at school. She brought home a craft/colouring of hickory dickory dock that is just Perfectly Coloured. Like Katie, this is a strong area for her...way above many of the kids in her class, some who struggle to hold a crayon properly. I am just so proud of her and pleased with the beauty of her work.

Katie is still loving school. I still know very little of what actually goes on day to day as she's not a big talker in that regard. Loves library day...gets to pick one English book and one French book to take home for the entire week. Often things like Barbie or Princess (early readers) and Disney movie books (la belle et la bête this week).

Hope you had a good snow day. (also thanks to the weather...Ben's scheduled teacher parent interviews were postponed a week due to the snow, so he was home unexpectedly for dinner...yay snow!)

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