Sunday, April 4, 2010

Not a Real Blog Post.

Happy Easter!
Lots of pictures and stories to come...we've been having too much fun playing in the playroom.

But I HAD to share...
We're reading this funny little book "And Then the Sun Came Out" which is a cute story about sunny days that ends in the middle of the book and tell you to close the book, flip it over and start again reading "And Then the Rain Came". Cute book, cute concept and Katie likes it.

My favorite part however, is the author's name: Crescent Dragonwagon.
I'm SO serious, that's her name. How do I know?

Thank you Google:
Website and
Name Explanation
Interesting story about her name. And I still laugh every time I read the name. =)

P.S. Easter Bunny Came and the girls have lovely dresses this year AND new skirts that I knit! Spring break with Ben home was lovely. I don't want him to go back to work ever...but I suppose I do like to eat...and buy Easter dresses...=) Talk to you soon!

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