The Kid party to celebrate Katie's upcoming third birthday was a hit! The weather was So Warm that all our housecleaning went to waste as we all stayed outside. (we did give some house tours, so not completely wasted!)(and now we have a super clean house)
Dad found a special Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Girl "Pin" (we didn't call it a button...Katie dislikes wearing clothes with buttons these days, so we didn't want to turn her off)...and she wore it proudly for about 3 minutes and then wanted to stick it to various other things. (chair etc). It's now sticking to the floor somewhere. But look how proud and excited!:

Here's the Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Cake:

That's as far as the "theme" (it wasn't really a theme) went. I have another cute picture of kids sitting at the kids picnic table but won't post since I haven't checked with the parent about blog permission. Right before the eating of the cake, as the kids were sitting with the cake in front of them, the last candle was discretely blown out by a non-birthday kid (two of the three candles had blown out on their way to the table!). As I was fretting about whether or not Katie would get upset about this, and should I re-light the candles, little hands and fingers started getting into the cake, so we quickly whisked it over to the nearby table for cutting. It was hectic for a moment, but the cake was successfully passed out and devoured. With forks, not fingers.

Another favorite moment of mine was when Ben started up a rousing game of Ring Around the Rosy. Everyone took turns being in the middle and then killed themselves laughing as "they all fell down".

I can't help but smile when I see D's face.

Presents were opened...I did debate not opening them in front of kids, since it's kind of hard for other kids to watch...but it was nice to be able to thank people while we were right there. Katie did have to do some defending of her presents though.

She loves all her new gifts (it's been a relatively easy week for me as I've been doling out the presents throughout) and wanted to wear these immediately. I'm surprised how well she walks (and by that I mean, how much she hasn't fallen) in these, given that they're a bit big.

The whole affair was delightful...we had wonderful friends of ours over to enjoy food and good weather. (it was 24C!) We ate veggies and dips and pizza for supper...we saw how easily this worked at my friend Megan's 3 yr old D's birthday party in January. It was a busy 2ish hours, especially with Sam to watch down time. But lovely and we'd do it all again in a heartbeat. But not this weekend coming up...another one...sometime. =)
The weather's been nice all week and the other evening after dinner, while Ben unfortunately had to be at work, the girls and I went outside to try Katie's new MEGA bubble maker. It was lots of fun and made lots of big bubbles! And yes, that's Katie wearing tiny shorts and a housecoat with no shirt. Her choice.

Sam says "Peek A Boo!".