Happy 6 month birthday Sam!
I cannot believe you are 6 months old already. The time has gone by so fast and you're growing even faster! You spoiled us today and were happy and fun almost all day long. Not that you're usually not happy...overall you definitely are a happy baby, but I think this last week of holidays made you a wee bit cranky (we suspect teething, the HOT HEAT, long hours in the car and/or a few days without your acid reflux medicine) so today was a real treat. (As Are YOU!)

You are still like your sister in some ways:

But definitely have your own spirit to you. You enjoy standing on your legs and are really strong. You sing/talk a lot and enjoy seeing the world around you.

You patiently model sweaters I make for you:

And you've had "rollovers"...one seen here in early morning big bed. We've had a few more of these in the past two weeks. You still have a bit of trouble getting over your arm but sometimes we help you out.

You still love Jolly Jumping...and even got a blister on your big toe from using it to bounce on the hardwood. We'll be putting a blanket underneath or making you wear socks from now on.

You did really well on our recent trip to BC. Our first stop was at the Donut Mill in Red Deer. (no donuts for you...you still only eat cereal...though we'll be starting you on Veg any day now!)

You are showing SUCH improvement in the sitting up department...in the past 2 weeks you've gotten SO much better. You can even play with a toy for a minute or two before toppling over.

You didn't seem to mind tent camping...especially when your sister woke you in the tent just after you'd gone to bed and then made you giggle. You really enjoyed NOT sleeping in the tent. Your dad and I are thankful for hotel rooms.

You enjoyed your first trip to the Okanagan! We spent a lot of time at our usual shady spot on the grass at Skaha Beach in Penticton and you has a blast looking up at the leaves in the trees. And spending time with Gram and Grandpa who were there too.

You wear many hats.

You are an exceptionally good little sister. I think Katie has taken a shine to you...she does a good job making you laugh and you really seem to perk up and smile when you look at her. I can't wait to see you both grow into this relationship.

This picture above was taken on the last night of our trip, at a hotel in Fernie, just before we took you girls down to the hotel pool for a quick dip before bed. You really enjoyed it. And it reminded me to sign us all up for swimming lessons which start in the fall.
Other small things to note...Your skin's been a bit dry lately but we've discovered Glaxol Base cream which, so far, seems to be working. We'll ask the Dr for further advice next month when we see him. No teeth yet, though I check often. Where are they?? I know they're coming! Today we also took you out of your "bucket" car seat and put you in a new one (Katie's old one) that we don't carry. Not sure how much you weigh these days but you and the seat together is too heavy. Much nicer to hold just you instead. You're dealing really well with the heat (33C or something like it today) and it's not affected your sleeping...I'm so glad you're a sleeper!
You're amazing, beautiful and an fantastic sweet little baby. Our life is so much better with you in it...thank you for being you! Happy 6 months, looking forward to 6 months more (and the rest of your life too!).
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