It's been a trying week or are definitely not exactly your sister (big surprise!). We're still learning to figure Sam out...a little more sensitive perhaps than what we are used to. Lots of crying and not as much sleeping as we'd like. (in the daytime...nighttime she is better, go figure!)
Anyway, the good thing is, we're getting some smiles now. Very rewarding. No pictures yet...working on it. I'm actually hoping for a video. Later.
Katie playing at Papa's last week.
See, here's one of the peaceful, almost smiles.
I know there's more to tell but I think I hit the important things. Remind me to blog about our sleep strategies with Sam and walking with the girls at the mall. Must do more walking...My goal was to be back at strollercize in another 2 weeks or so! (it would help if Mother Nature wasn't being such a big meany right now with all the snow and cold...the sun is helping but really, bring on the spring already.
Love ya!
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