Friday, March 20, 2009

Exercise and growing up!

What's new? Katie's been stretching (and drinking water at the same time).Sam has been diligently practicing her tummy time (the cow's a mean trainer!).
And Mom managed to get out for her first post baby run yesterday (ouch...only 20 min and I'm sore today!).

Sam is getting older and bigger fast. She'll be 8 weeks already this Saturday. Here's a picture (notice I was trying to replicate my favorite Katie picture of all time...little bit tricky...I may just have to find my own favorite picture for Sam instead of copying something previously done.)
Doesn't Katie look older in this picture? Her hair is getting so long, I think we may get a trim sometime before her birthday at the end of April.
That day Katie was rocking out in mom's sunglasses (which were promptly replaced by Katie's own sunglasses...these are an old favorite andI'd prefer they not get broken.) We sure looked like twins that day eh?
We're still working on teaching Sam to sleep better during the day...tend to use car seat and bouncy shair a bit more than I'd like. Night sleeping is mostly good...although a bad night can really mess with you and make you think she'll never sleep (ask me how I know...but the next night is always better). She's smiling SO MUCH...and definitely doing some communicative cooing and other sounds...she makes a noise, you copy her, she smiles and makes another one back. Lovely! When we're consistent, we'll get a video and share. Her neck muscles are getting stronger and she can turn her head left and right while lying on the ground on her back.

Katie is adorable...toilet paper mishaps (still happening...if you see the fancy toilet paper rosettes on the back of my toilet, you'll know what happened) (from winding up Katie's unrolled and unused paper) book reading, potty interest and cheekyness all around here. Saying the cutest things these days though of course examples escape me at the moment. Playgroup is still lots of fun, especially her friend Emma. Their friendship is real and nothing I'd have expected from such young girls. Emma is about 5 maybe, preschool age. Loves to push Katie around in the toy cars at PG. Katie's face lights up when she sees her. They both smile and giggle and you can tell the friendship and fun go both ways. There are seriously no words to explain how my heart flutters when I see this kind of "first" friend relationship.

I have many more pictures but they are taking forever to upload so they may have stalled or something. Next time I may just post them with as few words as possible.

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