We are definitely living in Toddlerland these days. While it can be a bit trying some moments (please don't say "No" when I know you mean yes), overall I'm surprised at what a fun place it is. Katie is full of fun and laughs at silly things often. Which makes us laugh more...and who can't love that?
Last week we went to IKEA and had a bit of lunch. Katie enjoyed drinking her milk through a straw. Sam was in the Baby Bjorn and didn't have any milk (mine or otherwise!).

Sam did model this precious outfit for us...sadly, I don't think there's much time left on this one. While her weight taken at the Drs office this week was 11 pounds 12 ounces, at her immunization the next day she measured 12 pounds 2 ounces...I'm tempted to believe this measurement more, especially since the Drs office nurse said that their scale measures a bit light.

Toddler Katie ran off from us while getting ready for her bath.

Naked Katie seems much faster than Clothed Katie. (don't worry, the chair cushion is fine) Speaking of...have I mentioned that while we are not "officially" potty training, we have a potty out and are reading a
potty book quite a bit. Katie does ask now and again to sit on the potty but nothing really resembling appropriate potty usage has ocurred (if you catch my drift).
Katie was paying special attention to her baby doll one evening this week and put her baby in the bouncy chair:

And then in the swing:

And gave her baby a bath:

Initially she was also trying to nurse her baby, but we didn't have the camera ready for that. I think that with these kind of skills, I may be hiring her for babysitting soon. =) (seriously, all of this behaviour was completely spontaneous and initiated by Katie herself.)
Thankfully, this toddler still loves to cuddle and read with her dad...that will be a sad day when she ever gets too old to cuddle and read.

This week I also took some silly pictures using the camera on the laptop...it's the most fun, easy way to take pictures ever.

Sam was there too.

Sam did well with her immunization, with no side effects apparent. She's also being an absolute darling and sleeping better for us during the day and night too. I LOVE sleep. =)
I did strollercize twice last week and the girls were already better in the Chariot the second time. Katie seems excited about strollercize too...I'm sure the 20 minutes beforehand playing in the indoor playground have nothing to do with it. I wasn't sore after Monday's class, but Friday had a bit more strength training and I'm definitely feeling it today...I think I have just enough strength left to carry the kids around.
This week is Spring Break for dad. There's no playgroup this week...not sure what we'll be up to, but I'll try and remember to take pictures and blog it.
Have a lovely weekend!