Today is Sam's one month unbirthday! How exciting! We are definitely settling into more sleep (and at the right times!) as she's beginning to learn night from day. I like when she;s awak in the daytime and you can see her eyes looking around a bit...I'm sure she's seeing more and the gears are turning.
I actually, MIGHT have had a 4 hour stretch of sleep last night...SHhhh...don't tell anyone! I'm not certain, since I'm not sure what time I'd last put her down and gone to sleep myself, but I know she woke up at 4am and I felt very well rested and I don't remember being awake after midnight...but I may have just been very sleepy. I shouldn't even say anything since I'm sure it'll jinx us now. Anyway, whether it was real or not, getting a few hours of sleep was really nice. =)
We've been pretty busy lately...Sam caught and has almost gotten over a little cold. We actually took her to a medicentre on Sat morning, just to double check that the little cough she had was ok. Her nose was stuffy too. It seems much better today. Katie will have to learn that some things are better off not shared.
Last week we went for coffee with Joanne, the girls and Shelley and baby Lincoln. We had a good time although we were all a little dissapointed to get there at 9:30 and learn that while Starbucks was open, the Chapters wasn't open for a half hour...hard to keep the three big girls entertained without the Thomas the Train set that Chapters provides. (There may have been some use of the security sensor thing by the doors as a jungle gym, but I won't tell you who did it!). Once Chapters opened we made a beeline for the trains and all was well. Fun fun...(though really, we can't wait until spring and days where we can go to parks...father off than we thought now that it's snowing and -20ish again today).
Here's Katie eating her snack before everyone met us at Chapters.

And Sam...sleeping in Starbucks.

On Saturday we took the girls to Southgate to try out the Chariot as double stroller. Katie doesn't look too pleased, but she certainly tolerated the sharing. And I think the big winter coat makes it look like there's less room than there really is...I'm hoping they're both comfortable in there...actually, my fitness plan is counting on it! (strollercize, here we about a month or so!) (see Sam's hammock/sling thing? What a neat way to add a baby to a stroller isn't it?)

Sunday was a BIG DAY...we had a baby shower to welcome Sam into the family. It was at Gram and Papa's house. A ladies only event, with many family and friends.
There were lots of welcome presents for Sam and people were thoughtful and brought some for Katie too.

This elephant hat was one of the gifts.

And this hat was knti by Great Auntie Gail for Sam...Katie tried it on and it was way too small for her. (and actually a tiny bit small on may just be a doll hat, but it's SO adorable!)(Katie's still been trying it on at home yesterday and today)

Sam slept through most of the shower but when she woke up she was VERY alert and awake with big big eyes! She's wearing a dress that Auntie Alli had given Katie. It iooked lovely (over her's winter after all!).

Another of the "consolation" gifts Katie got was this tiny doll stroller...a big hit! She didn't stop walking with it for the remainder of the party.

And has been walking around the house too with her dolls in it. I did mention to her that it was only for dolls and not for Katie (when I saw her looking at it with a glint in her eye) but still found her sitting in it twice this afternoon. She got right out when I told her too though...lets hope repitition works and she learns what's appropriate.
Repitition clearly did not teach me this matter how many times Ben has reminded me to put the stoppers back on Katie's closet doors when I'm done, so that when you come back home from an outing (such as today's playgroup) you don't forget and put Katie to sleep in a room with closet doors that can open, I totally forgot and this was this result:

I heard a noise and went to find Katie had opened the door and pulled out ALL her shoes (some old and too small and others new and too big). She found these new ones and got them on all by herself. She was eager to show me her shoes.

And see that...behind the hair...a glint in her eye.

(and through all this, Sam was sleeping).
(apologies for any typos in this post...I'm needed and no time to review...I'll check later or tomorrow and make changes if needed.)