Ok, now I can't remember taking this picture, so maybe Ben did. I don't remember when it was, but sometime this past week. Katie's cute and that's all that matters. =)

We went shopping at Superstore and managed not to spend TOO much money...this swimsuit was on super sale and we'll swim all winter at indoor pools so it's worth getting another suit. Katie loved it and wouldn't let go of it...even when we got home. Note the adorable T shirt with the van on it? (just like Grandma and Papa's!) (gift from Auntie Alli)

Last week we were lucky enough to have dinner at our friends Coreen and Michael's...they have nieces and nephews and so lots of toys for Katie...She's so lucky! We had such a nice visit.

Katie and I visited G. Uncle Jerry (Katie can say "Jerry"). It was a warm day (though not 31C like we are having today!) and he brought her some ice to play with (better than her sticking her hands in my water...smart Uncle!) She had a blast and became much more comfortable with him.

We've had a couple of blog secrets lately, one being that Grandma and Papa have been missing for a while...had you noticed? They'd been living in the van, driving across Canada since school got out and just returned late Tuesday night. They are so happy to see Katie and the feeling is mutual! (and Katie can now say "Hi Gram" or "Hi Pa")(when prompted of course)

We met them early Wednesday for breakfast and we all got caught up. (Katie's dress from Auntie Andrea)

As I mentioned, today's a hot one. We were invited to Grandma and Papa's for a BBQ and Katie was the most comfortable one there...we were all wishing the pool was big enough to share.

She'd actually spent the day at Papa's while I worked and Ben and Grandpa Ken worked on the basement (we're doing renos...have I mentioned the renos?).

Apparently Katie didn't sleep all day...well, there was that 5 min nap in the car...and so on our way home she didn't even last 2 minutes before falling in a deep sleep.
(here's dad adding air to her pool.)

She'd had enough energy to make it through dinner...enjoying gnawing on rib bones for the first time. And sucking on piece of lemon...which she quite enjoyed!

Look at these adorable curls from the water...so cute!

Katie's counting is still going well...she'll spout out numbers in sequence right when she's on her own playing with toys...but not on command. It's all just reciting words, no math yet.
If she WAS able to do math, she'd try to tell you that one plus one makes two...and two babies are better than one, right? That'd be her way of sharing the BIG NEWS that we're expecting again! Currently estimated date of arrival is January 21st, 2009. We'll all excited and feeling well. (that's the other blog secret...there's nothing else, I promise!)(but that's a pretty good one isn't it?) =)
Hope you're having a lovely day!
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! Great news and I look forward to the updates (even the wobbly, green-faced ones).
Love and kisses
Great Aunty Pattyyyyyyyyy
Congratulations!!!! So excited for you guys! Hope you're doing well. Guess you'll have to rename your blog?
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