Sam went to her second day of school on Thursday and though she didn't want to do the pose on the front steps, I managed to get this photo after school. (sunny and bright) She is having a great time and talked all weekend about how she knows the days of the week now because of a song they sang in class. (no crying this time!)
The girls had a marker store and all the marker colours had funny pumpkin and bubbles...they should really go work for Crayola.
They drew kittens. These are all Katie's and the top one is surprised.
This one is Sam's...I am so surprised and pleased with how her colouring has come along recently. I was worried that while we did lots of free colouring with Katie, we were so much more into colouring books with Sam, and while her colouring-in is awesome, I haven't seen her do much free drawing. Those are teeth coming to the mouth and lovely whiskers.

Finally...after patiently waiting all week to start school (staggered start..a few kids went each day to see the class in a smaller groups, and let the teacher talk to parents in small groups too...) Katie got to go on Friday. Though she is bussing to school, I did drive her on this day, as busses weren't going yet for Kindergarten. The day was great...Katie had no trouble at all getting right into the classroom. When we went to leave her, Sam was very upset and I had to carry her back to the car. I'm really not sure if she missed Katie or wanted to stay and play at Kindergarten too. Maybe a bit of both. It got me going though...I wasn't planning on crying yet, figuring that with drop off and pick up, really, it's just like preschool. But, my heart knows it was the beginning of "real" school. And just knowing that is bittersweet...(like so many great moments in parenting)...she's smart and mature and ready for school. We've prepared her enough and she is SO excited to go. I got so sad thinking of how much I am going to miss her every morning. Boo come more happy/sad tears. =)

The apples are ready at Gram and Papa's...!
We had a super nice weekend...went to IKEA for dinner Friday night (yay, they have carb info!) (not that fish and chips is particularly healthy but...!) and walked around just enough.
Saturday morning we went to the Farmer's Market downtown. It was a bit chilly and windy but in a very nice "Ooo, it's September..." way.
Sam hid and didn't really want to be in the picture.
All the girls were happy...I got beets, kale, carrots and a super delicious "Fresco" cheese...kind of like ricotta and cream nice on a cracker! The other girls got balloon wings...their favourites (though they were gleefully popped by 2 in the afternoon!)
We had our best glucose numbers since Sam got on the pump this numbers in a long time just felt SO good. I don't think I even tested for keytones once on Saturday (we test for keytones every time the blood sugar is over 15. Probably a bit conservative, but a safe practice for pumping.) It just felt golden! She had been super high (27 even) the mornings she had school, which is likely due to stress and should resolve with time.
On the potty front, the aggressive bribing is in full force...a sticker and an MnM every time she goes to the bathroom, and (after much deliberation on how to achieve the goal) with 5 stickers in a day, Sam gets to pick a prize from a bag of goodies from the dollar store. (Katie is also scoring stickers for daily hair brushing and other random chores she completes..we may need more of a system with her. As well, she gets the MnM any time Sam does...hoping for peer encouragement here.) The first prize was a puppy/kitty in a little carrying cage...Katie got hers the day before Sam earned it and they are both in love. Sam named the puppy Sweetie Heart and even drew a picture of her today.

This morning..our last big milestone of the school start season...BUS DAY. Holy moley that's a big one. Nerve wracking to try and make sure we get ready in time and just...the letting go...yikes. I did check that the bus number was right and the driver confirmed the school. Katie barely needed a hug goodbye...she was so excited to get going on her bus. Honestly, I'm more worried about getting Sam ready to walk to the bus...she has a wee history of not always wanting to go when I need her to. But she did talk me into a playground trip since we were there (the bus stop is just down the block from us, by the school, so playground is just behind) and I'm thinking that could be good incentive. (as long as it's not -30!)

Katie made it home from school, dropped off safe and sound and happy, right in front of our house at noon. Sam and I had a quiet but fun morning, reading and playing and chatting with a neighbour in the backyard. We went shopping in the afternoon as the cool weather made me cancel our plan for BBQ pizza to chicken soup and I needed celery, AND Katie is desperate for some pants...I think hers are all a bit small and the cooler weather makes me hope we can find something to wear. We didn't have much luck...ended up with a shirt instead. (and briefly...I an so appalled at retail stores not providing bathrooms for a potty training toddler...I seriously, walked out of the Children's Place without the leggings we had selected because I think it's a terrible policy...this is the second time I've had such an experience in the last month and I'm hoping to find time and energy to email the companies because I'm so unimpressed.)
Ending on a good note, you know what impresses me? (besides lots of things...) Katie's spelling...Ben and I are thinking about taking up Pig Latin because she's picking up on all sorts of things we've been secretly spelling...Bummer, Wind, Get Rid Of, Problem...these are all words we have spelled recently and she has figured out. Just something I wasn't expecting. Good thing we tend not to even spell very questionable words...bummer is about as bad as we get! Also, Ben told me that when I was out to yoga tonight, Katie was teaching Sam French...Non and Oui...I think the fun is just beginning! =)