Well, apparently life with a 4 year old and 2 year old keeps us busy since blogging has been slow.
On Katie's actual birthday we had the grandparents over for cake. Gram Mary made the cake. Katie loved it!

Our gift to Katie was a bicycle. She loved it too.

Ben was smart and got Sam's trike out of the attic since we knew they'd both want to go for rides.

It has training wheels and pink and silver streamers and a bag. We've gone for several rides since and it's great fun!

The next day we went to Tim Hortons for coffee with Mrs Ferguson and Gram and Papa (we don't make it every week anymore but when we can!). I brought new play dough for the girls to keep them happy while grown-ups chatted.

Katie, Sam and Dad on Katie's kid birthday party day, the Saturday after her Tuesday birthday. Katie wore her Birthday Button from last year for about 5 minutes before putting it on a chair and saying that her friend N's mom (Julia) could sit there. Strange. =)

I had trouble keep the guest list small, and in the end we had about 30 people and about 12 of those were kids 4 and under. It was a little loud and crazy and we probably won't have that many people again, but it was also kind of fun. (from top Left: Steph, baby G, D, Katie, S, N, C, H)

We kept things simple with takeout pizza and cut veggies and dip. I made cupcakes baked in ice cream cones...and I don't think I got a picture of a single one! The kids really enjoyed them and they were even easier to serve than regular cupcakes since they didn't have any paper wrapper. I definitely recommend.
(Sam, M, D, L)

As much as I tried to keep things simple, I did want to try one activity for the kids and ended up having them colour paper lunch bags that I later used as treat bags. A little chaotic but in a way it was a good way to channel the kids energy for a few minutes. A more active game would have also worked well if we had had the space to contain it. The weather was ok, but nowhere near as beautiful as last year. (W, G and C)

Present opening was a bit chaotic too...all the kids crowded around. Funny how much each kids took ownership of their gift and really wanted to give it to Katie. Fun.

Using throwaway plates was good too...Honestly, clean up only took 15 minutes after everyone had left. I'm so glad that she had a fun party with her friends.
More photos to come, including Katie's first time playing soccer, but I must share this cute video of Sam. I think it was taken the day after Katie's birthday, or around there. Sam's been making this funny noise lately and it's just fun to make her do it. Enjoy!
Untitled from BabyLuch on Vimeo.
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