Here's the girls at the LRT station.
Getting to the library was a challenge...I don't feel that accessible entry to the library is well marked. Took a bit of walking to figure out that I need to take an elevator up to the Citadel Theatre and then walk outside across the street. Then, the library has the dumbest wheelchair lift...I really feel that a ramp would make more sense. (I'm sure there must be a financial/construction difficulty reason for having the lift.) I ended up letting the girls walk up the 4 stairs while I lifted the empty wagon. Overall, it was a challenging experience even though I knew where to go...I can't imagine being a visitor to the city with a wheelchair or stroller. Anyway...!
The Children's Library was nice...but imagine my surprise (how many years has it been?) when I found that the library that I remember being downstairs was no longer there! They'd moved it to the main floor AND no longer have pets...I really remember the big old iguana and maybe bunnies? Ah well. The new library is designed much like other new branches I've seen. Computers for kids, a wooden boat to sit and read on and a nice seating area with train set and puppet theatre, plus a nice big classroom which was perfect for storing our wagon and bag while we explored. Fun!
After the library we had an early lunch picnic was a lovely day! The girls ran around a bit an then we headed back home on the LRT. A really great first experience. I wonder if they'll remember it at all?
The team plays games (tag, red light/green light, what time is it mr. wolf) in the rink in our community.
Otherwise, it's been a rather interesting week. I have no photographic evidence to show you, but I MUST mention what a troublemaking two year old Sam's been. (P.S...Sam, I know it's not your fault, you're 2 and I forgive you) I showered the other day and of course, I have to take my hearing aids out for this. Sam went in the bathroom and somehow dropped/pushed one of my hearing aid down the sink. Long story short, I was able to do the plumbing and rescue the aid and after a day or so of drying out it seems fine. I feel very lucky. She was also found this week with something in her mouth that shouldn't have been (I'm not telling, but everything was/is alright) and managed to climb on our bed and on my night table to reach up to the top of our big dresser (it's almost as tall as I am) and grab a child protected bottle of vitamins and my favorite necklace...stuff I had put out of reach. Goodness, I may have grown a few more gray hairs this week. Remind me again, when does she turns three?
In better Sam news, she's loving pig tails in her hair, which I am delighted to do for her. She's been waking up happy lately. When she and I went for ice cream the other day, we sat on the Sunterra patio and as I gave her each spoonful of ice cream, she said "I love you mom." It was very cute. =) She's also really improved her colouring lately...she's definitely colouring specific objects on a colouring page, rather than scribbling randomly...and colouring it very white space...not entirely staying in the lines, but showing amazing progress.
Also, we struck gold at a garage sale this weekend and bought the girls 3 skirts, a wand, a headband with fuzzy antenna and a princess hat...for 7$. Every playdate we've had lately there's been requests to play dress up, tough to do with only our one fairy dress. I really need to start sewing up some play clothes. We'll see...I have many things I want to sew. (I did manage a pair of pants for Sam this week that I will try to hem and photograph for you...cute summer pants!...the mosquitoes made me do it!).
That's all for now, enjoy your long weekend, we're enjoying ours.
Lots of love,
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