Good Morning!
Just a quick announcement this morning...the girls and I have our picture in the Edmonton Journal today!
It's on the front page of the City section. Be sure to buy extra copies for your scrapbook! =)
I'd link but it requires a password. Maybe I'll scan the photo soon and post it for you that way.
Talk to you soon!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Dear Sam, You're Two!
Dear Sam,
I can't believe you're 2 years old already. I definitely feel like we have 2 kids in the family and not a kid and a baby. Here's a picture of you from about a year ago:
And from from sometime recently:
You've completely changed and look like a beautiful little girl. You are a huge part of this family. You and your sister play amazingly well together, for which I am grateful on so many levels.
Sometimes you copy Katie but often you do your own thing that Katie thinks is great and so she follows you. You are a strong personality, knowing just want you want and repeating yourself insistently until you get it. Here's a photo from your birthday with Pam's son, D, a very good friend of yours. Whenever they're coming over, you wait by the window excitedly. Actually, you do that for our friends D and M too.
You're so grown up you can hang out by your friends at the kids table. (like here at your birthday, friend W beside you) It can get a bit noisy but you all have a blast being independent.
You are a lucky girl. You love your dad and can't wait for him to come home from work each day. You've been sleeping better just this week (it's been a bit rough for a while...have you been teething? I'm not sure what's been bothering you but I hope it's over...I like my sleep and knowing that you're getting good sleep makes me happy too.) This is you, Katie and dad with a birthday cupcake from the kid party. This is the recipe...these were a good batch. You love to bake with me too. For a while there I couldn't do anything at the kitchen counters without the sounds of you pushing a chair over to help. Fun, but messy. You like to eat raw flour no matter how many times I tell you it's yucky. (surprise, you like to eat raw vegetables, including cauliflour...a nice surprise!)
You can be a very silly girl. The sillier the better sometimes. You and Katie have a whole bunch of inside is where you both start chanting something like "A, O, E...SEVEN!!" and break out laughing. You also love to pull the cushions off the chairs and bounce on them. And (I'm shaking my head as I type this...) you have a terribly persistent habit of running/jumping on the couch and chairs. No matter how many times I tell you not to, I know the minute I'm in the kitchen or my back is turned, you'll be back at it. You also like to ham for the camera, like here, a picture from lunch when we had our friend L over. (we watched him when his mom had to work one afternoon...great, napped for 2 could take a lesson from him about're not a napper these days...only in the car and occasionally on the chair/couch at 4:30pm..not a good time)
You LOVE to read. Sometimes I thought you wouldn't, since you don't always sit for a whole book, you like to be up and down and around, but when playing alone (ie, when I'm busy cleaning/cooking/dishes etc) you often plunk down with a book in your lap and read. Lately you love Fancy Nancy books, the Little Mermaid, Thomas the Train Engine, The Waterhole (which I'm hoping you don't accidentally rip, as it's one of my favorites too). You love music too. Lately you LOVE "You are my Sunshine" by Anne Murray. We went to see Fred Penner at a shopping mall last weekend and you had a good time, but your ears and eyes totally perked up when he sang the Sunshine song, Twinkle Twinkle, and the ABC's...that's our favorite trio of bedtime songs! You do a pretty good job singing ABC's and know some words to the other too. It's magic to hear you sing.
Here's a photo of you with Gram and Papa showing off our new curtains. 5.5 years after moving into our house, it's about time! We bought fabric about a year ago and it took a while to get the energy to think about how to put it all together. The secret...Gram and Papa did all the work!...after Gram and I did the math they realized I was going to find it tricky to find time to come and finish it so they surprised me one day. I was flabbergasted and beyond grateful.
You love both sets of grandparents and all your extended family. Last weekend you overnight-ed with Gram and Grandpa and they said that both you girls were fabulous. You looked like you'd been having a great time.
So...Sam, you are wonderful and amazing and fancy and smart and fun. I can't wait to see what the next year brings us.
Lots of love, mom and dad and everyone.
I can't believe you're 2 years old already. I definitely feel like we have 2 kids in the family and not a kid and a baby. Here's a picture of you from about a year ago:

Lots of love, mom and dad and everyone.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Happy Sunday evening!
I still owe you a Sam Birthday Letter, but I also have to finish knitting up a hat for a new baby in our family (my cousin Kathleen recently had a baby boy!) so you just get some recent photos and comment.
The girls greatly admired our friend W's new firetruck car.
The girls colouring when we arrived early for church one week. Yes, Katie did wear her fairy costume.
All the photos I took of Sam's birthday dinner were candid and useless, so all I have is this one of Sam and Gram playing with the new train set. (still a hit and gets played with daily...almost worth the million pieces!)
We had lunch at the other Gram's the next day (Sam's actual birthday). This is the kind of lovely picture I should have gotten the night before. She's wearing a mew outfit from Gram Cheryl and eating cake baked by Gram Mary. .
Katie had written a card to Gram to express her thanks for the cake she had brought to dinner the night before. I helped tell her how to spell the words, but she decided what she was going to write and wrote it all herself.
It was a busy weekend...included was some fun at a drop in gymnastics gym with Joanne and her girls. there was a ton of running and jumping and giggling. Sam is such a jumper. Katie made friends with the older girls and ran her heart out. I've never seen her cheeks stay red so long. Pictures and video someday soon.
...After I finish knitting the hat!
I still owe you a Sam Birthday Letter, but I also have to finish knitting up a hat for a new baby in our family (my cousin Kathleen recently had a baby boy!) so you just get some recent photos and comment.
The girls greatly admired our friend W's new firetruck car.
...After I finish knitting the hat!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Happy Days!
Well, I have a borrowed keyboard for the laptop. Time for catchup!
Sam, wearing a cute sweater I made her. She refused the wear it for months. And hasn't worn it since.
The girls watching the fireplace at Gram and Papa's house. (might have been a cold day...we had a few snowy and cold days in January)
On one of the coldest days we decided to go out for dinner at Boston Pizza. we hadn't gone out for dinner as a family since maybe in the summertime? It was so nice...the girls were great and they coloured and were patient waiting for the food.
Our first day of swimming lessons was cancelled...the pool broke somehow and was freezing cold. So we went and played in the indoor playground with our friends D and M. M with funny hair in this pic.
Sam in the little playhouse.
Some pictures of the snow...from our front window.
Katie shoveling.
Look how much snow! (looking into our back yard, through the kitchen window)
Joanne and her girls came over for a visit and my girls invited them to stay and watch a show. So cute to see them all cuddled on the blanket. 
The girls, helping me bake...Katie's wearing the Christmas present jammies that Joanne gave her...she wore them almost for two days straight. Loves them!
Sam, wearing a cute sweater I made her. She refused the wear it for months. And hasn't worn it since.
The girls, helping me bake...Katie's wearing the Christmas present jammies that Joanne gave her...she wore them almost for two days straight. Loves them!
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