The girls are sheep hunting right now.
Of course, I mean hunting for sheep...LOOKING for sheep. Apparently, Little Bo Peep has lost them and they need hunting down.
I think they may be using this morning's floor Cheerrios as bait. I hear Katie telling Sam not to eat them because they're for the sheep.
Wish them luck!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Purple Dreses did 10 days just go by?
I still have not uploaded the photos from our holidays...but I will now that I've finished sharing the old ones.
These purple dresses I bought for the girls at H&M...for under 5$? I think it may be the first matching set I've bought for them. The dresses are cute and I love when they wear them.

Work on the front lawn/sidewalk has gone swimingly... Katie's been a big help. Since this(a few weeks ago now) there's been countless hours of hard work and we now have a beautiful sidewalk and lovely black dirt and a few fence posts.
Thank you so much Grandpa and dad!
Ben's Auntie Lorri came by for a visit and we had a fun time.
Sam is a goof and loves hanging out on our new-ish ottoman (extra seating!). I'm still amazed that she can climb this high. 
Other important things to note (as much as I can remember)
- Did I mention Katie's writing her ABC's? She just started doing it one day, with no specific instruction from us. Childlike, but definitely legible. And, if she's showing you and you're facing her sideways, she'll draw the letters sideways, so that you can read it. I don't even know if I can do that!
- Sam is starting to say small "sentences" (phrases?)..."night night Katie", "more meat" (just yesterday). When Katie's doing 3 minutes in her room and starts banging on the door (as she sometimes does) Sam says "Knock!".
- Their sleep's been not bad lately...sometimes sleeping in until 7am. Of course, then, the next morning when they wake up earlier, I'm just grumpier because my expectations are higher.
- We went to the Art Gallery for a kids program for 3-5 year olds. It was very nice for something different. The teacher talked about stories and we all walked around as a group and chose characters, setting etc from pieces in the gallery to make up a story. Then we sat and drew paper bag puppets. The only cost was my own admission. I could see going again and having lunch out by the fountain at city hall. It would be a great playdate.
- The girls like to sing along in the car...Katie knows often knows all the words. Vegetable Town by the Bare Naked Ladies (from their kids album, Snack Time, a recent music but bearable for adults too). Sam prefers Fred Penner and "Meows" appropriately when necessary.
- We suspect Katie's had a growth spurt as some of the pants she's been wearing for a long time are getting snug and short. We'll be buying new clothes for fall soon anyway. School starts in less than a month you know! (2 mornings a week preschool).
I'm thinking really hard but I can't think of any more...I know there's more funny things and milestones. I'll try and write them down during the day as I think of them. Talk to you soon!
I still have not uploaded the photos from our holidays...but I will now that I've finished sharing the old ones.
These purple dresses I bought for the girls at H&M...for under 5$? I think it may be the first matching set I've bought for them. The dresses are cute and I love when they wear them.
Other important things to note (as much as I can remember)
- Did I mention Katie's writing her ABC's? She just started doing it one day, with no specific instruction from us. Childlike, but definitely legible. And, if she's showing you and you're facing her sideways, she'll draw the letters sideways, so that you can read it. I don't even know if I can do that!
- Sam is starting to say small "sentences" (phrases?)..."night night Katie", "more meat" (just yesterday). When Katie's doing 3 minutes in her room and starts banging on the door (as she sometimes does) Sam says "Knock!".
- Their sleep's been not bad lately...sometimes sleeping in until 7am. Of course, then, the next morning when they wake up earlier, I'm just grumpier because my expectations are higher.
- We went to the Art Gallery for a kids program for 3-5 year olds. It was very nice for something different. The teacher talked about stories and we all walked around as a group and chose characters, setting etc from pieces in the gallery to make up a story. Then we sat and drew paper bag puppets. The only cost was my own admission. I could see going again and having lunch out by the fountain at city hall. It would be a great playdate.
- The girls like to sing along in the car...Katie knows often knows all the words. Vegetable Town by the Bare Naked Ladies (from their kids album, Snack Time, a recent music but bearable for adults too). Sam prefers Fred Penner and "Meows" appropriately when necessary.
- We suspect Katie's had a growth spurt as some of the pants she's been wearing for a long time are getting snug and short. We'll be buying new clothes for fall soon anyway. School starts in less than a month you know! (2 mornings a week preschool).
I'm thinking really hard but I can't think of any more...I know there's more funny things and milestones. I'll try and write them down during the day as I think of them. Talk to you soon!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Still Some Summer Catch Up
Hey There!
We went camping to BC last week and got back on Sunday. I have some great pictures and stories, but think I should blog the pictures from before and get caught up first.
A few weeks ago, Katie had a weird swelling on her ankle all of a sudden...we decided to get it checked at the medi-center. Good thing as it turned out to be a bacteria infection of some kind. She was prescribed antibiotics for 10 days. It cleared up sooner than that though. Good instincts.
Dad and the girls reading.
We've been playing with sidewalk chalk a lot...especially loving our 3-D chalk set. I tried taking a picture through the special glasses, but it doesn't work.
The girls and I visiting Grandpa Ken at ChaptersStarbucks.
At a park...
Sam's hair is getting longer isn't it?!
Katie at the playground.
The girls helping me shell peas. "Helping" rather. (Hope that's a proper use of quotation marks!)
Katie draws nice looking people now! (The ones she used to draw looked really mean!)(haha)
We bought goggles for swimming...they're so cheap I doubt the actually work properly, so I'm kind of glad that the girls don't want to swim in them but prefer to wear them in the house.
There's still more to catch up on, PLUS photos from our camping trip. Yikes. I'll work on it.
We went camping to BC last week and got back on Sunday. I have some great pictures and stories, but think I should blog the pictures from before and get caught up first.
A few weeks ago, Katie had a weird swelling on her ankle all of a sudden...we decided to get it checked at the medi-center. Good thing as it turned out to be a bacteria infection of some kind. She was prescribed antibiotics for 10 days. It cleared up sooner than that though. Good instincts.
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